279c. A Skin Wrinkle in Time

It was a good episode. It showed some good stuff and I will change my pfp to robot gary
Really fun short, and neat how the previous episode transitions to it. The beginning of time being the theme song is funny, as was the GrandPat version of the theme. The show breaks the fourth wall so much these days but I still find the gags funny. A nice way to end The Tidal Zone. 8.5/10
They should've skipped the time traveling grandpa aspect. This is pointless. It's not bad of course, but not very good either.
Finishing up our romp in the Tidal Zone, we’ve got the very short episode “A Skin Wrinkle in Time”, which picks up right where the last episode left off, with GrandPat Star hurtling towards the screen. Well, that’s one way to get me interested. I just want to know if we’re going to be getting his perspective of the cameo in “Welcome to Binary Bottom”.

Oh lordy, this episode is gonna be chock-full of references and fourth wall breaks, ain’t it. Because why am I seeing GrandPat Star calling Painty the Pirate the “beginning of the universe”. lol, meta. And he ends up accidentally taking SpongeBob’s place in the theme song. Oh dear. I like how the joke played the theme song in its entirety, and they even had Painty (or you know, Patrick Pinney) re-sing the entire theme song.

So after that gag, GrandPat Star goes back to the space-time vortex or wherever he was at. Are we going to get an explanation as to wtf is going on at any point? No? Great, just wanted to check. This time, GrandPat Star finds himself in the Old West, the same Old West as “Pest of the West”. Ah…that was a fun episode. He ends up accidentally taking one of the duelers with him back to the time vortex. Well then, that’s rather dark if GrandPat never actually returns that guy to his time (I suppose it’s fine, as the cowboy ends up getting on his seahorse and going off to who knows where). Finally, GrandPat clearly ends up back in the world of The Patrick Star Show, which is where he belongs. Well…not quite, considering his family are all fly-seastar hybrids. But hey, close enough!

There’s not much to talk about with “A Skin Wrinkle in Time” on account of how short it is. We did not get what I was looking for in a GrandPat POV of the events of “Welcome to Binary Bottom”, but that’s okay, I’ll live, I can just assume it happened as a part of that. Because this episode’s so short, I struggle to rate it. I obviously didn’t get very into it, but it’s a little unfair to hold that against the episode, you know? Man, how did I rate “Reef Blower”? I feel like that’s my precedent here. That and the season 5 shorts…ah those were good times.

Episode Tier: Good
Episode Score: 7.5/10
Finishing up our romp in the Tidal Zone, we’ve got the very short episode “A Skin Wrinkle in Time”, which picks up right where the last episode left off, with GrandPat Star hurtling towards the screen. Well, that’s one way to get me interested. I just want to know if we’re going to be getting his perspective of the cameo in “Welcome to Binary Bottom”.

Oh lordy, this episode is gonna be chock-full of references and fourth wall breaks, ain’t it. Because why am I seeing GrandPat Star calling Painty the Pirate the “beginning of the universe”. lol, meta. And he ends up accidentally taking SpongeBob’s place in the theme song. Oh dear. I like how the joke played the theme song in its entirety, and they even had Painty (or you know, Patrick Pinney) re-sing the entire theme song.

So after that gag, GrandPat Star goes back to the space-time vortex or wherever he was at. Are we going to get an explanation as to wtf is going on at any point? No? Great, just wanted to check. This time, GrandPat Star finds himself in the Old West, the same Old West as “Pest of the West”. Ah…that was a fun episode. He ends up accidentally taking one of the duelers with him back to the time vortex. Well then, that’s rather dark if GrandPat never actually returns that guy to his time (I suppose it’s fine, as the cowboy ends up getting on his seahorse and going off to who knows where). Finally, GrandPat clearly ends up back in the world of The Patrick Star Show, which is where he belongs. Well…not quite, considering his family are all fly-seastar hybrids. But hey, close enough!

There’s not much to talk about with “A Skin Wrinkle in Time” on account of how short it is. We did not get what I was looking for in a GrandPat POV of the events of “Welcome to Binary Bottom”, but that’s okay, I’ll live, I can just assume it happened as a part of that. Because this episode’s so short, I struggle to rate it. I obviously didn’t get very into it, but it’s a little unfair to hold that against the episode, you know? Man, how did I rate “Reef Blower”? I feel like that’s my precedent here. That and the season 5 shorts…ah those were good times.

Episode Tier: Good
Episode Score: 7.5/10
I don't like this one all that much...

But I think it's meh

Hyped to find out what you think of Abandon Twits!
Eh.. Its... okay I guess this is the first c episode since season 5 btw
  1. Welcome To Binary Bottom (10/10)
  2. C.H.U.M.S (9.5/10)
  3. Patrick The Mailman (9.5/10)
  4. Say Aww! (9.5/10)
  5. Goofy Scoopers (9/10)
  6. Food PBFFT! Truck (8.5/10)
  7. A Place For Pets (8/10)
  8. Squidferatu (8/10
  9. Big Bad Bubble Bass (8/10)
  10. Under The Small Top (8/10)
  11. Squidward's Sick Daze (7.5/10)
  12. Sea Man Sponge Haters Club (7.5/10)
  13. Spongebob's Road To Christmas (7.5/10)
  14. You're Going To Pay Phone (7.5/10)
  15. Potato Puff (7/10)
  16. Pat The Dog (6.5/10)
  17. Skin Wrinkle in time (6.5/10)
  18. Captain Pipsqueak (5.5/10)
  19. Lockdown For Love (5.5/10)
  20. Slappy Daze (5.5/10)
  21. Plane To Sea (3.5/10)
  22. There Will Be Grease (3/10)
  23. Upturn Girls (3/10)
  24. Something Narwhal This Way Comes (0/10)