248a. The Krusty Bucket


happy hopping moron
Apr 27, 2019
Reaction score
Kelp Forest
Plot: Plankton combines Mr. Krabs and his DNA to make Plankrab to steal the formula

This episode was pretty boring. I felt they could've done more with the concept of Plankrab. I do like some of the attempts Mr. Krabs and Plankton try to defeat Plankrab, but the rest is boring.

Mediocre Episode (5/10)
A meh episode. It was pretty bummy. I think the handshake joke was superposed to be some type of weird innuendo. Another boring and forgettable episode. (5/10)
When I saw this episode before today, I thought it was great, waay better than the Season 4 version of Squidbob.
Oh, that's the premise, not the season finally I had in mind.
Admittedly, I haven't seen the episode yet, so I'll review it when I get to it.

Now that I got to it, I can say that it was the weirdest episode of the show I've seen thus far, but I still like it. The first half is kind of slow, but there's a lot of funny jokes in the second half. The plot is very creative, even though it wasn't what I expected. There's another thing about the episode that I find off, and that's how happy Squidward is, I-it's just not natural.

Rating: 3 Krabs and 3 Planktons meshed together out of ten.
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Maybe it just means that I've outgrown this era of the show, but with most of these new episodes I haven't been able to find a reason to care about what I'm seeing on-screen, apart from the great animation quality.
i really enjoyed this episode. i watched it through a leak from the uk airing back in june and i really liked it. the plot was pretty creative, and when krabs and sheldon got kicked out of their restaurants and try to screw over plankrab was funny. the ending with the split personalities was pretty enjoyable. 8/10

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Woah apparently the US version of this episode has a scene that was deleted in the UK version
I Love Episodes where Krabs & Plankton Work together against a Common Foe. . .

This hasn't been done so well since Best Frenemies. . . The other Patty was a shoddy knockoff of said episode. . .
I love PlanKrab. This episode is definitely the most funny.

Rating: Amazing Episode

The Krusty Bucket (Amazing)
Plankton's Old Chum (Superior)
Stormy Weather (Great)
The Krusty Slammer (Great)
Gary's Got Legs (Great)
Gary & Spot (Great)
The Ballad of Filthy Muck (Good)
Swamp Mates (Good)
FarmerBob (Good)
Pineapple RV (Okay)
One Trick Sponge (Alright)
King Plankton (Bad)
The Nitwitting (Despicable)
“The Krusty Bucket” is an episode I’ve been decently looking forward to reviewing. I just think it’s one of the more popular episodes of this season, or at least one of the episodes I think more about. I also think this episode gets more reruns, because I feel like I’ve seen it a lot more than other episodes without meaning to. But anyway, this a weird yet fun little episode, so that’s the real reason I’ve been looking forward to reviewing it.

You know I’m starting off an episode happy when the first shot triggers the gorgeous background alert. These backgrounds have been going hard lately, I love it! This episode set up is so odd, but not in a bad way. Just wasn’t expecting to see Mr. Krabs’ bare a**, or Plankton sneaking in his bathroom while he showers. Oh god, I’ve just been reminded of “Someone’s in the Kitchen With Sandy”. I don’t feel nearly as uncomfortable watching this segment than the scene in that episode, though there is a slight air of discomfort here. But it helps that the scene in this one lasts like…30 seconds. It goes by a lot quicker.

Plankton’s big scheme in this episode is to create a hybrid clone of him and Mr. Krabs. Yeah, just as bats*** as it sounds. And Plankton isn’t very bright here…why would Plankrab be loyal to him if he’s also half Mr. Krabs? I really dig Plankrab’s design too, it’s literally a perfect hybrid. And I love the way Clancy Brown voices this guy too, as you might expect, it’s the perfect fusion of Mr. Krabs and Plankton. I also like how this episode basically pulls the tried and true shonen trope (or maybe just tried and true DragonBall trope haha) of “rivals would be unstoppable if they worked together”, as Plankrab very handily takes over the Chum Bucket and Krusty Krab. I like how for the latter, it happens off screen, so it provides a brief air of mystery for how Plankrab is so competent (and why Squidward and SpongeBob are huge fans of him). And yeah, the air is cleared like two seconds after when we find out that Plankrab has a downright, ah, euphoric handshake.

Moving on, Plankton gets kicked out of the Krusty Krab (or now, The Krusty Bucket) and so we see both him and Mr. Krabs start sobbing hilariously. Also let me stop here real quick with Mr. Krabs and Plankton looking into the Krusty Bucket. This new Krabby Patty recipe (the same with a pinch of chum) has got to be a “Friend or Foe” reference, right? Because that’s literally what the original formula had in “Friend Or Foe”. I’m taking this to mean again that episode is fully canon to the show’s timeline. Another thing I really like in this scene—Mr. Krabs getting upset when Plankrab calls SpongeBob “me boy-o”…they did that for me! My quasi-father-son crumbs strike once again!

Mr. Krabs and Plankton realize they’re severely outclassed by Plankrab. You know what this means, right? A Plankton-Mr. Krabs team-up! I love when these happen, they’re so fun because we get banter for the two that can sometimes be even better than their normal banter, probably because it’s fresh and new. Their first attempt to get their restaurants back is by accosting Plankrab at the dumpsters, but he beats them handily. Then they try to steal the customers of the Krusty Bucket, but Plankrab gets them and their stand run over LMAO. So then they’re forced to beg for jobs, which gets them both stuck on toilet duty. And then we see them bicker which ends up turning into a full fight, pretty entertaining if you ask me.

I love how Plankrab’s undoing ends up being Plankton and Krabs’ inability to get along. It causes him to literally split right down the middle. This part is also very entertaining, I love a good bickering moment. And then Mr. Krabs and Plankton turning the fight into a boxing match was pretty funny, and pretty smart, as it caused the two clones to use their perfect handshakes on each other. And then I love how the end of the episode finally pays off the running gag of Plankton choking on hair. Smart writing, there.

“The Krusty Bucket” was a pretty fun episode. For whatever reason, though, it almost feels like there’s something missing in this one, but I don’t know why. It just feels shorter than it actually is. But that doesn’t really take away from my enjoyment of this thing, and I did for sure enjoy what I was seeing. I always love seeing Plankton and Krabs team up, and although we didn’t see too much of him, I really liked Plankrab.

Episode Tier: Amazing
Episode Score:
  1. Gary's Got Legs (11/10)
  2. The Krusty Bucket (10/10)
  3. Gary & Spot (8/10)
  4. Swamp Mates (8/10)
  5. Plankton's Old Chum (8/10)
  6. The Krusty Slammer (8/10)
  7. Stormy Weather (8/10)
  8. One Trick Sponge
  9. King Plankton (7/10)
  10. Farmerbob (6.5/10)
  11. Pineapple RV (3.5/10)
  12. The Ballad Of Filthy Muck (3/10)
  13. The Nitwitting (1/10)
Great episode! PlanKrab was a fun character and aside from him a number of jokes landed. It's definitely inspired by Best Frenemies, but unlike The Other Patty I think they go in a unique enough direction to stand out. I would recommend this one even to those who aren't huge fans of post-Season 11 SpongeBob.