226a. Chatterbox Gary

and Squidward's BB Superband uniform as well. Anyone else notice that?
There's plenty of continuty nods sprinkled in.
"Nut translator" returned from "Chimps Ahoy", elevator in Squidward's house returned from "Squidward the Unfriendly Ghost", paintings in Squidward's house are the same as paintings from "Not Normal". I won't be surprised if I missed something.
I love this episode, This is an original plot and there are a lot of jokes, Not a whole lot to say.

Let me just start off this review by saying Nick.com is horrible. I tried to watch the latest episodes, but for some reason Nick doesn't carry Xfinity/Comcast as a service provider on their site anymore, for some reason. Regardless, I did manage to find this episode, and I must say, it definitely surprised me.

I knew this episode had an interesting premise, but I honestly thought this episode wasn't going to go as well as many fans hoped it would. And quite honestly, I was pleasantly surprised at how good this episode was. Okay, it wasn't amazing by any chance, but certainly provides some solid entertainment.

The premise of the episode is new and refreshing, which definitely fits in with the better episodes of Season 11 (Since a lot of Season 10 seemed to be built on rehashed concepts, while Season 11 feels a little more unique in terms of it's content, whether it's good like Krabby Patty Creature Feature or bad like No Pictures Please). I honestly really enjoy this episode's general conflict being played out, it's quite entertaining through it's abundant amount of jokes, which I'll get to in a second, first I want to discuss the characters in this episode.

The episode doesn't really have that much of a predictable route. In fact, it centers around how the characters simply react to this situation in which Gary now has a translation collar. The dynamic between Gary and Squidward, though at first seems kind of odd how egotistical Gary seems when treating Squidward like an inferior low-life, starts to really make sense as you think about it. Gary and Squidward have never quite hit it off well, SpongeBob even indirectly hints this in Dumped with the wooden carving of Squidward. Though I do feel as though Gary's treatment towards Squidward is a tad out of character, it's understandable why this dynamic between the two was played out. Squidward treats SpongeBob practically the same way, so Squidward is given a taste of his own medicine in this regard.

Now, the slight rivalry between Gary and Squidward is fairly balanced out in this episode. Gary puts down Squidward, and Squidward gets his rightful revenge (Through a series of funny jokes involving an exhausted SpongeBob). Squidward takes it too far to the point where it's unnecessary, and Gary gets Squidward back for unjustly going overboard. I really liked how this episode turned out, it didn't go down a predictable route with SpongeBob getting fed up with "Gary's" nonsense, instead he seems pretty loyal to Gary throughout the entire episode. Which is really noble of SpongeBob, I think the handling of SpongeBob's character in this episode was perfect, Luke did a really nice job keeping SpongeBob's attitude true to his character. Gary, yes was a tad bit overboard for my tastes, but they seemed to really reign him in towards the end of the episode, as mentioned before, with Squidward and Gary each giving each other plenty of crap to put up with.

Squidward, surprisingly, avoids any actual freak-outs in this episode. His overall attitude perfectly aligns with his character, and as I mentioned before, his wanting for revenge is entirely justified. I think Squidward was a really nice adversary to Gary, the two both managed to be really entertaining opposing forces.

Now, let's talk about the episode's comedy. Surprisingly, the episode is a little laid back in terms of humor, there isn't much slapstick influenced jokes (I mean, the episode does center around dialogue in a sense, with Gary's translation collar), and the overall faster pacing commonly found in Post-Prequel episodes isn't present throughout the entire episode. Instead, it pops up right where it needs to be, during the climax (When SpongeBob's house was on the go). There were a lot of good jokes in this episode. The time-warp gag was clever, Patrick's screaming "I'm RIPE!" really got me (Bill's delivery of that joke was hilarious), and I especially enjoyed the visuals during the "Exhausted SpongeBob" scenes. This episode doesn't constantly crank out jokes, but it definitely does a good job supplying a satisfying, ample amount. The jokes in this episode really keeps it chugging along, and I found myself delighted at this episode's humor.

Overall, Chatterbox Gary isn't anything special. However, it definitely is a pretty Good Episode.

I give it a 7.8/10

Again, definitely liking the direction Season 11 is going.

*Small little detail I loved: Handsome Squidward Painting

*Small nitpick I have: SpongeBob's house not being lightened up to it's orange color when going under the lights in Downtown Bikini Bottom.
I really loved this episode. The concept of having Gary finally be able to talk is definitely a premise many of us have been waiting for and I'm surprised that it took the writers this long to put it into action. It was endearing to see Gary talking to his owner, and I loved the other characters' reactions to his new ability. There were plenty of funny gags too such as the time warp delivery, Gary dreaming about burning Bikini Bottom, and the fact that even Gary trash talked Squidward's taste. XD One minor gripe I have is that I kind of wish we saw more of Gary talking, but I guess they wanted the episode to have a bit of conflict besides just "oh, Gary can talk now", but it still worked. Squidward was the antagonist and got what he deserved in the end. It's not the funniest episode out there, but the decent jokes and nice dialogue makes this a really good episode. 8.5/10 from me.
Meh ep. It's got some funny jokes, but the story is pretty dull. It's just a bunch of talking, and when the plot sets in it's just solved at the snap of a finger. Not as good of an ep as ScavengerPants.

For the Most Part it was good; There was Only One Part I didn't like; Gary's Dream; Seriously, that's dark and Messed up; Who'd have thought that the otherwise sweet & lovable snail Gary had such an Evil Imagination; He wasn't that evil in his Dreams, where He had a humanoid-body under his snail body, and could speak without a translating device, and Managed a Library
D00d13B0bF1atpants said:
For the Most Part it was good; There was Only One Part I didn't like; Gary's Dream; Seriously, that's dark and Messed up; Who'd have thought that the otherwise sweet & lovable snail Gary had such an Evil Imagination; He wasn't that evil in his Dreams, where He had a humanoid-body under his snail body, and could speak without a translating device, and Managed a Library
But that was the best part of the episode. :planet:
[SIZE=11pt]First of all, I have to say that the voice of the collar, Keith David, delivers a REALLY good performance, his voice sounds so sauve kinda like Don Grouper from Goodbye, Krabby Patty?. As for the story, I honestly don’t have any problems with it. I do have one minor one, and that is, they could’ve shown SpongeBob’s house rolling back to him in a short separate scene instead of it just randomly coming back. But, the idea behind it is great, and the execution is decent. I know that the time spent on SpongeBob showing everyone Gary’s new collar (excluding Squidward) might seem like filler, but to me, it isn’t. I just find it kind of important because the story is all about this translation collar, and it only goes on for a minute, so the story has enough time to function. Overall, a pretty enjoyable episode, not great, but still something worth watching at least once.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Rating: 7.5/10 (Good)[/SIZE]
This was a nice change of pace! A very funny episode and has a decent plot going. It's not the best plot in the world, which is why I'm not giving it an A+, but it's still an episode that I'd recommend. Go watch it if you haven't already.

1. Scavenger Pants (A+)
2. Teacher's Pests (A+)
3. The Legend Of Boo-Kini Bottom (A+)
4. Squid Noir (A)
5. Chatterbox Gary (A)
6. Man Ray Returns (A)
7. Spin The Bottle (A)
8. Larry The Floor Manager (A)
9. Stuck On The Roof (B)
10. There's A Sponge In My Soup (B)
11. Pat the Horse (B)
12. Spot Returns (B)
13. Cave Dwelling Sponge (B)
14. The Clam Whisperer (C)
15. No Pictures, Please (C)
16. Cuddle E. Hugs (C)
17. Krabby Patty Creature Feature (C)
18. The Check-Up (D)
I Liked this; The Only things I Didn't like; Were Squidward; and The Creepy & Dark Dream of Gary that Showed a Darker more Disturbing side of our Beloved Cat-Like Snail. . . Luckily, even Spongebob was just as Disturbed to find this out as we were. . .
Solid episode. Gary's names for everyone is really funny and while the climax wasn't that great, it's okay.

Good Episode (7/10)
Y’all know I’ve been waiting for this one. I mean, I could just slap an Amazing tier on this one and call it a day, right? Nah, I’ll give “Chatterbox Gary” the entire review it deserves, but I just have to make it clear: I’ve been ready for this one for a long while. I mean, after all the trials and tribulations of poor Gary-focused episodes, we get this one??? Somebody’s been looking out for me.

I gotta make this its own paragraph, but Keith David everybody. Just give it up for Keith David. Making him the voice of Gary this episode was quite literally one of the best choices they could’ve made, it fits so well. Also, Keith David being in SpongeBob…that is all.

Speaking of Gary having a voice, I really like the plot of this episode. It takes something pretty relatable to any pet owner, wishing your pet could talk (and I’m sure it’s relatable to those who don’t have pets too…I mean who wouldn’t be curious at seeing what an animal would say if it could talk like us?), and makes a good and enjoyable episode out of it. And, more importantly, it’s about my favorite little snail Gary. Do you know how it important it is that you know I love Gary? Because it’s very important. I literally changed the design of my tattoo to ensure Gary had a place in it, I love that little guy. And this episode is so much about him and his thought processes and his personality (because man is he given one here), and we even see him interact with other characters decently substantially, oh what more could I want?

Considering that I’m already praising this episode, and it’s a Gary-focused one, that must mean that the relationship between SpongeBob and Gary in this one is strong, and that is indeed the case. A lot of this episode’s wholesome content comes from this relationship, and it’s also what kickstarts the plot too. SpongeBob and Gary are just adorable together in this one. And it reminds me of another episode I enjoy, “Gary’s Got Legs”. But we’ll get there when we get there. As it is, just know that Gary referring to SpongeBob as “Papa Bob” melts my heart and puts the goofiest smile on my face.

Of course, while I would totally be fine with just 11 minutes of happy fun times, there is a conflict in this episode. And that conflict is, thank the lord, NOT between SpongeBob and Gary. This is all I’ve ever wanted, just the two having good times together. Yeah, there’s some frustration at the beginning of the episode, but it’s nothing like “The Great Snail Race”, or “Grooming Gary” or, god forbid, “A Pal For Gary”. Nah, the actual conflict of this episode is Squidward trying to sabotage Gary by pulling a “Naughty Nautical Neighbors”. The best part is that SpongeBob’s too tired to even get mad about this, or fully register what’s going on. I love how SpongeBob does all these things for Gary without question. And we even get a moment of chaos when SpongeBob’s house goes rolling downtown. Unfortunately, SpongeBob loses his house in the chaos, but it does lead to the sweet scene between him and Gary, where Gary clearly doesn’t like seeing SpongeBob so sad. And it’s because of this scene that Gary becomes aware of just what’s going on here, and gives Squidward a beating. Ah, everything I’ve ever wanted.

I also gotta talk about the humor in this episode. It’s there, and it’s pretty good. I really loved the whole time warp delivery option lol. Multiverse who? That short joke with the paranoid walnut was pretty funny too. Gary utterly roasting Squidward and his home was also hilarious. I like to think of it as revenge for “The Great Snail Race” and “Once Bitten”. And the rake running gag was some great slapstick.

“Chatterbox Gary” was like some of my greatest dreams packaged into a nice little bow. Now, this isn’t one of my absolute favorites of all time, but it for sure is up there. And yes, that’s entirely because of my bias towards Gary, I can be transparent about that. But so what? We’ve all got our biases.

Episode Tier: Amazing
Episode Score:
This episode alone is pretty good but with gary calling spongebob "papa bob" it made it 1000x better because that was wholesome!!!
  1. The Legend of Boo-kini Bottom (15/10)
  2. Squid Noir (13.5/10)
  3. Krabby Patty Creature Feature (10/10)
  4. Scavenger Pants (10/10)
  5. Teacher's pests (10/10)
  6. Larry the floor manager (10/10)
  7. Sanitation Insanity (10/10)
  8. Chatterbox Gary (10/10)
  9. No Pictures Please (9.5/10)
  10. Spot Returns (9/10)
  11. Stuck on the roof (8.5/10)
  12. There's A Sponge In My Soup (8/10)
  13. Pat The Horse (8/10)
  14. Cave Dwelling Sponge (7.5/10)
  15. The Checkup (7.5/10)
  16. Cuddle E. Hugs (7/10)
  17. The Clam Whisperer (7/10)
  18. Spin The bottle (6/10)
  19. Bunny Hunt (5/10)
  20. Man Ray Returns (4/10)