(Copied from my 113 Reasons Why thread)
This episode is just so poorly made. Other than the animation, everything else about this episode just fails to be good. Plankton is a very unlikeable villain, which I really don't like. In earlier seasons, Plankton has a genuinely funny antagonist to the show, but from Season 5 forward, he became very mean-spirited. The fact that he cheated Krabs and still popped the bubble really shows how insulting his personality is in this episode. This episode didn't have to be a Plankton vs. Krabs episode at all, but the writers just couldn't think of anything better to do. Other than that, the jokes are terrible and the writing is very bland. There are little memorable moments in the episode (other than that horrendous ending). Oh wait, since I brought up the ending, I might as well mention it now. The episode should've ended with Plankton and the goo bubble stuck on the moon, but Plankton goes back down and ends up popping the bubble with no reason other than to be malicious. When I watched this episode when it was released, I literally cried because of how god-awful the ending was. The episode tries to redeem itself, but in the end it just couldn't.
Overall, I feel like this episode is just all of the worst qualities SpongeBob episodes have all smashed together into one terrible "special." Unlikeable characters, unfunny jokes, a bland and predictable plot, and a horrible ending all are present in this episode. Fortunately, I feel like this episode does feel like the proper way to end the dark age of SpongeBob- create an episode with everything that makes it bad. Surprisingly, Season 9B (which is after that) is my most favorite season of the entire series! While this episode was terrible, it does have a few decent moments as well, such as, like, two or three actually decent jokes. But it only gets better from here, as some of the next few episodes are the best in SpongeBob history.
So, while this episode may be terrible in my opinion, I can still understand why some of you enjoy it. But no matter how you like this episode, you should agree that Season 9B is a huge improvement from Seasons 6 to 9A.