
  1. Anyone here taking final exams?

    I'm pretty sure mostly everyone here took their final exams, or is still currently taking them. I'm part of the latter. How easy or hard is it? English - Easy but few tricky questions S.S - Couple of answers knew but memory fuzzy for most Q's Math - ???? Science - ????
  2. Any SpongeBob DVDs you own?

    I caught the SpongeBob VHS topic here. I've stated in the topic that I've spotted one SpongeBob VHS in my house one time. But, I have collected a few SpongeBob DVDs when I was younger. I don't know if there's already a discussion for this, so I went ahead and made this topic. I have the...
  3. TV Shows and/or Movie That Unexpectedly Blew Up

    A lot of my favorite cartoons I've known (SpongeBob, Beavis and Butt-head, South Park, and The Simpsons to be great examples) had been popular over the years, with merchandise and fans. Has there been any fo your favorite TV shows or movies that blew up, and became popular with lots of people...
  4. What cartoon or TV show is the most comparable/alike to SpongeBob

    I was just curious. I don't know any shows that seems the most alike to SpongeBob, and I can say this isn't talked much, so I don't know if this could be easy.
  5. Browser Statics

    Since I'm in the process of replacing my Chrome since it's no longer supported by Vista, I would like to know at the moment you guys use for internet browsing, and how well you like it.
  6. Chromebooks

    Do you or have you ever used a Google Chromebook? My teachers sometimes give Chromebooks for my class to work on projects and stuff.
  7. Icognito Browsing

    Do you guys go on Incognito mode? Somehow, I always do. I just don't feel like using the regular browser.
  8. Cool Cat's Brother

    Oppa gangam style.
  9. 3DS Charging Port Broken

    Lately, my 3DS has not been charging at all. I used to have the plug bend at some level for it to charge, now it doesn't do anything at all. I went to GameStop to see what the problem and they said I had to call Nintendo for repair. First, I wanna post some pictures to see if you guys can find...
  10. Beavis and Butt-Head

    MTV's best cartoon. Discuss.
  11. Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVv-ezSK0qU I honestly can't wait for this game to come out, and I hope I'll buy this in the future.
  12. Steven Universe Animal Crossing Crossover

    This is so bae since I like Animal Crossing. I found it out from here:http://www.animalcrossingcommunity.com/Topic/6335432/1/AC_Fun_Facts
  13. I've finally changed my username

    After one year of being called Weasel on this site, it's about time I change my username, to SpongeBoobAhoy (SpongeBoob was taken.). If your wondering where I got SpongeBoob from, I used that name for my CyTube account. The name Weasel will still live on as Weasel Inc. for my spin-offs and lits...