season 9.2

  1. WayslideCool

    Hurt/Heal: Season 9b

    Alright, so we've had plenty of Hurt/Heal games here, so you should know the drill. Each round, you hurt something by 2 and heal something by 1. However... I'm gonna establish a few rules here. To shake things up a little. Every time a new 9b episode comes out, it's added to the list. This...
  2. Original Raw and Uncut

    When do you think the post-189 episodes will start to air?

    At this rate i'm thinking around November or December or very early in 2015. Or nick may supprise us and air them during this summer. But with my luck they won't even air until mid-2015 or something. Note: The episode "Yeti Krabs" doesn't count because it's production code is 188b. When do you...