
  1. zerocool

    Completed My Top 10 (pre-movie)

    Number 10: Krab Borg This episode is an absolute classic, a hilarious plot with some really funny gags. Highlight: SpongeBob's paranoid antics
  2. FinnDinner

    How Far Could've The Original Run Gone?

    Let's say that Stephen Hillenburg and some of the other writers never left SpongeBob after the movie. Let's say everything was exactly the same going into season 4 as it was going into season 3. What would it be like? How many seasons do you think the original run could've gone before seasonal...

    EVSPONGEFAN's Top 20 Pre-Movie Episodes

    Well, I have decided to make my first list. A list about the best pre-movie episodes! Enjoy! Hint for 20: Gorilla Underwater
  4. Brick's top 25 pre-movie episodes

    Title says all. I know for sure some of you won't agree with some of my opinions, so please just be mature and respect them. First, I'd like to list the honorable mentions: Frankendoodle, Jellyfish Hunter, Squidville, Walking Small, Shanghied, Survival Of The Idiots, Texas, Pre-hibernation Week...
  5. GordokTheMad

    Gordok's Bottom 5 Spongebob Episodes from Seasons 1-3

    Hello there! A while ago, I have created a list of the top 20 worst Spongebob episodes to ever hit the air! And, a little bit after, I started thinking about the era BEFORE the movie. Since I believe that even Seasons 1-3 had its share of bad episodes, I have decided to post what I think are the...