
  1. WhosTheRealPinheadPatrick?

    My SpongeBob Season!

    Episode 1a: Bottle Capping Capers The episode starts with SpongeBob and Patrick laughing and playing, annoying Squidward. Squidward: Grr, Spongebob, Patrick! Would you two mind?! I'm trying to sleep, and your yabbering isn't helping! Spongebob: Oh, sorry Squidward. We'll be quieter! (To...
  2. WhosTheRealPinheadPatrick?

    Top/Bottom Five SB Episodes of All Time: PoliticalPat Edition!

    #5 Worst Giant Squidward ::dolphin noise:: this episode. I hate this episode! SpongeBob and Patrick are idiots here, and they are really destructive to Squidward and his property. Also, because of their idiocy, Squidward's life was almost destroyed. But, the real nail in the coffin is when...
  3. WhosTheRealPinheadPatrick?

    PoliticalPat's Bottom 20 Spongebob Episodes of Bad SB

    Hello everybody, and welcome to my bottom 20 Spongebob episodes of all time (so far). This list is from Seasons 6-8, the commonly stated bad seasons. With that out of the way, let's get to the ratings! The ratings are: Gold, Good, Average, Meh, Bad, Abysmal and sCumBob. So, without further...
  4. WhosTheRealPinheadPatrick?

    PoliticalPatrick's NEW Top/Bottom 5 SB Episodes from each season.

    #5 Worst For Season 1 Boating School So, this episode. I don't find it to be that bad by any means, although it's not without flaws, this episode's main flaw is how boring it is. I know that Season One has simple stories filled with comedy but -in my opinion- the comedy is slightly lacking...