
  1. MainlyASpoon

    Any cassette collectors?

    A few years ago I bought my first few cassettes on Bandcamp. I listened to them a few times but found myself listening to the digital versions of the albums more often. Recently though I found my cassette players and all but one of my tapes, and I've been using them a lot more. I've bought a few...
  2. MattTheSpongeFanatic

    The most nostalgic SpongeBob tracks

    What SpongeBob music gives you the most nostalgia? Basically any SpongeBob music that puts you in a good or calming mood (preferably from the older seasons). The three I'd go with: Nostalgic Hawaii (It's a shame that the last episode this track played in was Fungus Among Us, out of all...

    Mysterious Music/Lostwave tier list :)

  4. SauceBucketz

    Album covers

    so a few years ago i read an article on Alternative Press (…maybe...) about this page on a bunch of social media platforms called 'albumsofbikinibottom' that posted spongebob edits of music album covers from a bunch of different genres. i've made some of my own since then (part because i never...
  5. Mr. Eugene H. Krabs

    Title Cards (Music Track Versions)

    Send your ones you have used a blank title card to make one with! My example is: Skipping to School (Sanctuary title card background version)
  6. SpongeBobfan1987

    The Hood Internet: 1999

    A band known as The Hood Internet, has remixed 60 different songs from 1999 into 3 1/2 minutes. 1999 was also the year SpongeBob SquarePants premiered on Nickelodeon twice, first as a sneak peak on May 1st (after the Kids' Choice Awards) and later as a regular Saturday Morning run on July 17.
  7. SpongeBobfan1987

    Post your Rave DJ music mash-ups and mixes here

    If anyone wants to share their music mash-ups and mixes from the Rave DJ website, you're more than welcome to do it here.
  8. PomPommermane

    Spongebob Fan Music

    Hey! I'm making this thread in case anyone feels like sharing some spongebob fan music they think should get some attention. Apologies if one already exists. I'm gonna start! This person is already slightly well known for a lot of the stuff...
  9. warblower99

    Spongebob Production Music

    Discuss it here
  10. Journey

    What are your thoughts on one of the most popular rock bands of all time, Journey? I, of course, personally favor Don't Stop Believin' and Any Way You Want It. I'm going to try to give some more of their songs a chance in the fututre though. So... what do you think of Journey? Do you love them...
  11. SpongeBobfan1987

    Robert Parker - '85 Again Here's a great song about 1980s nostalgia that has a 1980s synthesizer sound and great lyrics (provided by Miss K.) that would not sound out of place in the 1980s as a pop song or the soundtrack to an episode of ABC's The Goldbergs. The song also...
  12. a_load_of_barnacles

    Post songs that make you cry.

    Post songs here that make you cry and/or sad. There's a song called "Caroline, No" by the Beach Boys that always brings tears to my eyes because I can relate to it...
  13. CherrySponge

    Which one of these production tracks is your favourite?

    Dancing The Hula: Nostalgic Hawaii/Hawaiian Pussycat: Honolulu March: I went for Honolulu March because it sounds the most joyful to me, but all of them bring back...
  14. BackToSpongebob

    Spongebob Music on Cassette!

    I'm pretty sure most of you know about the "Music from the Spongebob Squarepants Movie and More" that came with the first Spongebob movie. Today, using one of my blank cassettes I got for Christmas, I copied the entire album onto cassette! :D I have been wanting to do that for a long time, and...
  15. TheJasbre202

    SpongeBob Music - Trippy Video Series

    Hello! This is a topic regarding my latest SpongeBob Music videos, they have realistic timelapse backgrounds with either a snapshot or video looping from actual SB over it. These are odd videos for great SpongeBob Music, since most of these types of Music Videos just have snapshots of when they...
  16. a_load_of_barnacles

    Ad on YouTube Plays Music From SpongeBob

    I was watching an ad on YouTube and not paying much attention to it, but then I heard something very familiar play and it completely caught me off guard.
  17. SpongeBobfan1987

    Evolution of Music: 1400 B.C. to 2016 A.D.

    Here's a video showcasing how music changed over the past couple of centuries: Don't forget to leave a comment. :)
  18. stellarmichele

    New SpongeBob SquarePants Vinyl!

    Enjoy The Toons Records has repressed Nickelodeon's SpongeBob Squarepants in a new variant - its a split that LOOKS like SpongeBob! Besides having the theme song, it has SpongeBob ScaredyPants by The Ghastly Ones, plus exclusive tracks from Ween + Pantera.
  19. What is your favorite decade of music?

    Mine is mixed, because I like music now and then. I'll do a worst decade soon.
  20. What is the overused BGM in Spongebob.

    I saw that other topic about what BGM should be used more, and I wonder what you think is the most used BGM in Spongebob? I don't mind it at all.