
  1. plantfunny123

    Stephen Hillenburg

    Ok so yeah, Stephen Hillenburg is back with hands on involvement of Spongebob, but what really is he going to do to change the show to pre-movie quality? I mean just think people, he only wrote on 3 episodes in the first season... Things would only change if he became show runner again, and...
  2. The Drifter

    Merry (early) New Year!

    So, because of time zine difference, we Asians expreience earlier new year than you guys. Merry new year!
  3. The Drifter

    NASA plans to launch manned mission to Mars

    News: http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2014-12-02/nasas-orion-test-flight-gets-us-closer-to-mars Official NASA page: http://www.nasa.gov/externalflash/orionfirstflight/ http://www.nasa.gov/exploration/systems/orion/index.html You got it right folks, humanity is going to Mars! Some image...
  4. The Drifter

    The Rosetta Comet Mission.

    My reaction to the whole thing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_Hgd64uE04 So today, after 10 years of loitering around in space, the Rosetta space probe have finally reached the comet 67P. And landed the Philae probe on it. Here's some picture about the whole stuff: The Rosetta Space Probe...
  5. TheOneAndOnly543

    Can SpongeBob have incarnations when the main series ends?

    Like several remakes to keep the franchise alive...Like Scooby Doo, Looney Tunes, Pink Panther, Mickey Mouse, etc... I was thinking that it would be a good idea if they made 2 spin offs for when the main show ends (which hopefully won't be anytime soon, whew) :sweat: . One show for Nickelodeon...