
  1. Boss And Brick's NEW, IMPROVED, and REVISED Episode Ideas Topic

    Our last topic. The last time it was posted in? March 31, 2014. 2 months ago. We had 184 ideas. The topic slowly died. But now, it's back. Here are all of our ideas. Green is ideas I posted, Orange are ones Boss posted. 1 - Changing Her Image: Sandy tries to prove Pearl and her friends wrong by...
  2. Brick reviews episodes

    Blah Blah Blah, you request an episode, I review it, you know the drill. Sadly, there are certain episodes I don't have access to if I need to watch it again, so episodes between Ghost Host and Sing A Song Of Patrick I might not be able to do just because I don't remember them.
  3. Boss and Brick's awesome episode ideas topic

    That's right, me and That One Random Boss are mixing our topics! I will start with the first 20, then he'll continue. Admins/Mods, you can lock our old topics. 55- Gary and Spot: SpongeBob petsits for Plankton, and Gary and Spot bond. 56- The Letter: Sandy is on a trip to Bass Vegas to accept an...
  4. Brick's smallish-biggish collection topic

    Title says all. I'm going to post pictures of all my SB merch, like any other collection topic. Let's start! Lego SpongeBob Keychain (2006) Reward Stickers (2001) SpongeBob plush (2013) Patrick plush (2004) Puzzles (2009) Tin Locker (2010... I think?) Assorted DVDs More coming...