
  1. SquidgeBobBugbiePants

    I found a SpongeBob plush today with a RARE misprint!

    Today I found a Simon Spotlight “SpongeBob’s Backpack Book” Plush and while I was reading it, I saw an error in the book. Apparently, the same page was printed twice (show in the image above) and wondered what it was worth. I wasn’t able to find out since this has only occurred once. I want to...
  2. DiabolicalGenius

    SBM Book Club

    Attention all book-lovers! This is an official (I hope) SBM Book Club which anyone can join! I'm hoping to take first term and maybe be President? Um of the club? Yeah this is doomed. :plankx: Anyway, each term will last 3 weeks, and the first book will be The Pirates! In An Adventure With...
  3. Your favorite book series?

    There's already a topic for this but it's 8 years old... The title says all. coughcoughWarriorCatscoughcoughSoGoodcoughcough and Garfield comics from before 1996 coughcough coughcoughCatlovercoughcough