Max and Ruby's Parents REVEALED

It already aired in the US.
Nah, the Canadians are late to the party. The 1st episode of the newest season actually already aired back in September in the US.
hmm i did get the news from canadians who probably hadn't seen this episode or any other episode of max and ruby in 10 years carry on
Homie☆ said:
reminds me of when i ran a max and ruby askblog


tbh that was kinda my headcanon too

like idk how they would've lived in that house all alone wouldn't they have bills to pay maybe grandma just rich or something, is probably how i would've justified it in my mind until this shocking reveal

that or just rlly negligent parents

edit: also charlie and lola's parents waddup w/them that's still a mystery
God damn Canada which plays everything later than the US
SantaBurb ChristmasButt said:
Max is speaking in full sentences now too.

ikr i heard about it in an update from the same facebook's like it's not even gonna b the same show anymore wha

i mean i haven't rlly watched since like middle school when we still had cable but still tho dang