Post the different art styles of each season


LBW Zelda
Jun 24, 2012
Reaction score
I feel like talking about this a little. Most of you might think each season has the exact same unique art and animation styles for each episode. But, if you have really good eyes, you'll notice that some episodes look different from others. For example, in a season 1 episode, you might think every episode is simply just cel-animated, but you might see an episode where a character is a different color, looks taller/shorter, or has a certain default expression. In this topic, some of you, including me, are just posting pictures of episodes in each season with a unique art style.

By the way, this is a revival of this topic to make things easier:
Season 1:

Help Wanted

Home Sweet Pineapple, Jellyfish Jam, Opposite Day, MuscleBob BuffPants and Employee of the Month.

Tea at the Treedome, Bubblestand, Jellyfishing, Plankton!, Naughty Nautical Neighbors, Boating School, Sandy's Rocket, Squeaky Boots,Scaredy Pants, I Was A Teenage Gary and Neptune's Spatula.

Karate Choppers, Sleepy Time, Suds, Valentine's Day, The Paper, Arrgh!, Texas and Walking Small.

Fools in April, Hooky and Mermaidman and Barnacleboy II.

The rest.

BobCarotte said:
Season 1:

Help Wanted

Home Sweet Pineapple, Jellyfish Jam, Opposite Day, MuscleBob BuffPants and Employee of the Month.

Tea at the Treedome, Bubblestand, Jellyfishing, Plankton!, Naughty Nautical Neighbors, Boating School, Sandy's Rocket, Squeaky Boots,Scaredy Pants, I Was A Teenage Gary and Neptune's Spatula.

Karate Choppers, Sleepy Time, Suds, Valentine's Day, The Paper, Arrgh!, Texas and Walking Small.

Fools in April, Hooky and Mermaidman and Barnacleboy II.

The rest.

Season 1 (I'm gonna describe the different art styles to see a difference):
Help Wanted: Obviously the only episode to look like this because it was the pilot. The colors were kinda cruder as the characters look lighter. The picture quality looks a little off. Animation was still great.
2nd: Most of those are Ennio/Erik boarded episodes, but I can't describe it since there's not enough episodes with this artstyle.
3rd: I can easily describe this: colors are somewhat brighter than the rest of the season.
4th: Colors are in between.
5th: Since they're the last episodes to be produced for season 1, it kinda had that unique look.
The rest: Looks like your typical season 1 episode (art style wise).
Season 2

You're Shoe's Untied
Squid's Day Off
Bubble Buddy

Dying for Pie

Survival of the Idiots
No Free Rides
Memaidman and Barnacleboy III
Squirrel Jokes
Grandma's Kisses
Prehibernation Week

Bossy Boots
Big Pink Loser
Imitation Krabs
Life of Crime
I'm Your Biggest Fanatic


Welcome to the Chumbucket
Squid On Strike
The Fry Cook Games
I'm With Stupid
Sandy, Spongebob and the Worm


Krusty Love
The Graveyard Shift
Sailor Mouth
Artist Unknown


The Secret Box
Band Geeks
The Smoking Peanut


Something Smells
Christmas Who
Gary Takes a Bath
Jellyfish Hunter
Season 2:

Your Shoe's Untied, Squid's Day Off, Something Smells, Bubble Buddy, Dying for Pie, Patty Hype and Christmas Who?.

Squirrel Jokes, No Free Rides, Mermaidman and Barnacleboy III, Gary Takes a Bath and Jellyfish Hunter.

Wormy, Grandma's Kisses, Squidville, Prehibernation Week and Survival of the Idiots.

Bossy Boots, Big Pink Loser, Imitation Krabs, Life of Crime, Dumped, I'm Your Biggest Fanatic, Pressure, Shanghaied, Welcome to the Chum Bucket, I'm With Stupid, The Fry Cook Games, Sandy, SpongeBob, and the Worm and Squid On Strike.

The Smoking Peanut, Frankendoodle, The Secret Box and Band Geeks.

Graveyard Shift, Procrastination and Artist Unknown.

And the last one...

Krusty Love and Sailor Mouth.
Season 3

SpongeGaurd on Duty
My Pretty Seahorse
The Bully
Snowball Effect
One Krab's Trash
As Seen On TV
Can You Spare a Dime
Squilliam Returns
Wet Painters
New Student Starfish
Mid-Life Crustacean
Krabby Land
The Camping Episode
Missing Identity
Pranks A Lot

Club Spongebob
Mermaidman and Barancleboy IV
Doing Time
No Weenies Allowed
Krab Borg,
Rock-A-Bye Bivalve
Party Pooper Pants
Chocolate With Nuts
I Had an Accident
Plankton's Army

The Algea's Always Greener
Just One Bite
Idiot Box
Mermaidman and Barnacleboy V
The Great Snail Race
Spongebob Meets the Strangler
The Sponge Who Could Fly

Nasty Patty
Spongebob Meets the Strangler
Season 4

Fear Of A Krabby Patty

Shell Of a Man
The Lost Mattress
Krabs vs. Plankton
Have You Seen This Snail
Skill Crane
Good Neighbors
Enemy In Law
Mermaidman and Barnacleboy VI

Dunces and Dragons
Selling Out
Patrick SmartPants
SquidBob TentaclePants
Krusty Towers
Mrs.Puff Youre Fired
Chimps Ahoy
Ghost Host
All That Glitters
Wishing You Well
Once Bitten
Bummer Vacation
Squidtastic Voyage
Thats No Lady
Driven To Tears
Rule of Dumb
The Gift of Gum

Squid Wood
The Best Day Ever
Hocus Pocus
New Leaf

Born to Be Wild
Funny Pants
Karate Island
Whale of a Birthday
Best Frendimies
The Pink Purlioner
The Thing
Season 5:

Krabs à La Mode, SpongeBob vs. The Patty Gadget, Money Talks and Slimy Dancing.

To Love A Patty, The Donut of Shame, The Krusty Plate, Picture Day, Pest of the West, What Ever Happened to SpongeBob?, The Two Faces of Squidward, SpongeHenge and Banned in Bikini Bottom.

The rest.
Season 5: à La Mode, SpongeBob vs. The Patty Gadget, Money Talks and Slimy Dancing. Love A Patty, The Donut of Shame, The Krusty Plate, Picture Day, Pest of the West, What Ever Happened to SpongeBob?, The Two Faces of Squidward, SpongeHenge and Banned in Bikini Bottom. rest.

S5 is the only season where they try to keep stuff consistent
Season 6

Boating Buddies
SpongeBob vs. The Big One
Suction Cup Symphony
Penny Foolish
Pouros Pockets
Dear Vikings
Choir Boys

Krabby Road
Nautical Novice
Patty Caper
Not Normal
To SquarePants Or Not To SquarePants
Single Cell Anniversary
Grooming Gary
Sun Bleached
A Life In A Day
Cephalopod Lodge
Krusty Krushers

Gullible Pants
Toy Store of Doom
Chum Caverns
Giant Squidward
Pet Or Pests

Shell Shocked
Truth or Square
The Clash of Triton

House Fancy
No Nose Knows
Grandpappy the Pirate
Squid's Visit

The Splinter
Slide Whistle Stooges
The Krabby Kronicle
Pineapple Fever
Grumpy Squidward Guy said:
Season 6

Boating Buddies
SpongeBob vs. The Big One
Suction Cup Symphony
Penny Foolish
Pouros Pockets
Dear Vikings
Choir Boys

Krabby Road
Nautical Novice
Patty Caper
Not Normal
To SquarePants Or Not To SquarePants
Single Cell Anniversary
Grooming Gary
Sun Bleached
A Life In A Day
Cephalopod Lodge
Krusty Krushers

Gullible Pants
Toy Store of Doom
Chum Caverns
Giant Squidward
Pet Or Pests

Shell Shocked
Truth or Square
The Clash of Triton

House Fancy
No Nose Knows
Grandpappy the Pirate
Squid's Visit

The Splinter
Slide Whistle Stooges
The Krabby Kronicle
1st: With the exception of SSC (which was Luke B/Nate Cash), all of those are from Aaron Springer's infamous days of drawing SpongeBob weirdly, which the picture pretty much prove it. Yeah, this is definitely my least favorite art style due to how stupid he looks.

2nd: I personally preferred this the most in season 6 as it had that season 4/5 vibe to it at times (especially Gone and A Life in A Day).

3rd: Looks too much like season 7/8. It might be an early preview of how on-model the characters are gonna be. Although Giant Squidward is the earliest example of this, it doesn't look too much like those other episodes.

4th: No comment as it is only been used a few episodes.

5th: Very bland looking imo. You can tell that the animation starts to downgrade somewhat in those episode. (I'm probably judging too much from the House Fancy's look, at least SpongeBob's cheeks aren't huge unlike the other Springer episodes this season)

6th: Slide Whistle looks like your typical season 6 episode except Squidward was a tad bit more expressive than he was in the rest of the season (IDK why but he started looking too on-model within this season). While I don't liked the Splinter at all, the art style pretty much saved it. It's not too overly gross on the facial expressions (except for the splinter being shown and Patrick licking SB's foot). I'll give point for the off-model faces here. For some reason, SpongeBob looks like his season 4 model in the Krabby Kronicle which is why I liked it a little more than anyone (it feels too out of place for a season 6 episode though).
Season 7

The Inside Job
Someone's In the Kitchen With Sandy
Stuck in the Wringer
Greasy Bafoons
Squidward in Clarinet Land
Kracked Krabs

A Pal For Gary
Keep The Bikini Bottom Beautiful
I Heart Dancing
Rodeo Daze

SpongeBob's Last Stand
Grandma's Secret Recipe
The Cent of Money

Karate Star
That Sinking Feeling
Big Sister Sam
Tunnel of Glove

Every other episode in the 2nd half that I didn't mention
Season 8:

The whole season except It's a SpongeBob Christmas!

Fill in the blank: _________________
Grumpy Squidward Guy said:
Season 7

The Inside Job
Someone's In the Kitchen With Sandy
Stuck in the Wringer
Greasy Bafoons
Squidward in Clarinet Land
Kracked Krabs

A Pal For Gary
Keep The Bikini Bottom Beautiful
I Heart Dancing
Rodeo Daze

SpongeBob's Last Stand
Grandma's Secret Recipe
The Cent of Money
Why is it only the first half?