SBM's 50 favorite episodes.


Krabby Patty Burglar
Jul 3, 2016
Reaction score
Yes.... You know this thing. Just PM me your top 5, 10, 20, or 25 episodes of the show. I will score them and count down and stuff. I hope I get some PMs!!!!!!! :) I think this will be fun if enough people participate.

Thank you too my two voters, Spider-man and Leedle. I hope others decide to participate!
This isn't my official top 5. These are my 5 episodes I can think of that are really amazing to me.

5. Procrastination
4. Bubblestand
3. Band Geeks
2. Chocolate With Nuts
1. Snowball Effect
Here is my top 10

10 Sponge bob VS The patty gadget
9 Big pink loser
8 SB 129
7 Wishing you well
6 Im your biggest fan
5 Just one bite
4 Patty hype
3 Culture shock
2 Sponge bob meets the strangler
1 We have a 3 way tie between hooks planktons army and selling out