Boss And Brick's NEW, IMPROVED, and REVISED Episode Ideas Topic


See You Ocean Man...
Aug 8, 2013
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Our last topic. The last time it was posted in? March 31, 2014. 2 months ago. We had 184 ideas. The topic slowly died. But now, it's back.
Here are all of our ideas.
Green is ideas I posted, Orange are ones Boss posted.

1 - Changing Her Image: Sandy tries to prove Pearl and her friends wrong by acting girly. She (slightly) forces a play date with SpongeBob, taking him to a romantic movie. After the movie they go to, SpongeBob and Sandy get ambushed by a gang in a dark alley. They knock out SpongeBob, causing Sandy to break her girly persona and beat up all the gang members with her karate skills. She carries an unconscious SpongeBob home, where he wakes up to her saying that she was never meant to be girly. (I said this idea in another topic, but I felt like stating it again)

2 - Showing Her Around: Takes place the day after Tea at the Treedome. SpongeBob simply gives Sandy an official tour of Bikini Bottom, assuming Sandy never took a tour before TatT. I made this idea because it was slightly unsettling to see her in Ripped Pants technically knowing about notable destinations like Goo Lagoon or what a Krabby Patty tastes like.

3 - Sandy's Past: I want this to be a special that has a powerful, emotional plot and reasonably little humor like Where's Gary?. This is basically Sandy reminiscing to SpongeBob her years before moving down to Bikini Bottom. This special will focus mostly on Sandy's high school years. I have a theory where Sandy grew up a cowgirl that wanted to be a scientist when she grew up. I also have a sickening but relatable theory that Sandy was harshly bullied on her first week. She runs home crying and contemplates quitting school (or suicide to hit the fans' hearts) then her brother, Randy (from Rodeo Daze) suggests enrolling her to karate class to defend herself. Throughout her years, she ignores the taunts to focus on her studies and her karate. By her Senior year in high school, she masters karate and confronts her bully and uses her karate to successfully defend herself. Sandy then tells SpongeBob that her college years went smoothly and briefly introduced some friends she made throughout her school years. She ends her flashback with her being hired by Treedome Enterprises and taking her first steps in Bikini Bottom. (This episode I had in my head the most. This can change many people's opinions on Sandy as well as teach kids about how wrong bullying is. The SB episode The Bully conveys the same message, except in a humorous way. I wanted to see a deeper, more relatably emotional version from someone as strong as Sandy)

4 - The Jellyfishing Tournament: SpongeBob and Patrick sign up to a jellyfish tournament over who can capture the most jellyfish in a limited amount of time. Kevin the Sea Cucumber appears again and wants revenge on SpongeBob when he finds out that he and his jellyfish spotters are competing against our famous duo of SpongeBob and Patrick, so Kevin tries to Sabotage SpongeBob. SpongeBob and Patrick obviously win by one jellyfish catch.

5 - Sandy's Birthday Surprise: SpongeBob plans Sandy's surprise birthday party that will be the best birthday party ever, while a broken-hearted Sandy thinks everyone forgot. I'm trying to not let this episode copy the plot of Texas. In the end, Sandy becomes extremely grateful to SpongeBob for caring for her.

6 - Undersea Olympics: The Undersea Olympics is taking place in Bikini Bottom, where teams from each undersea town participates in. SpongeBob and gang, coached by Mr. Krabs, team up in an epic athletic adventure. (I thought of this out of the blue. It's not too shabby, I must say.)

7 - Project Eliminate SpongeBob: Plankton plans on eliminating SpongeBob by taking one of his ancestors hostage. He chooses none other than SpongeBuck! After SpongeBob disappears, Patrick and Sandy must defeat Plankton, return SpongeBuck back to his time and bring SpongeBob back. (I had the title name Project Eliminate for a while, and I also had an idea where SpongeBuck returns. I combined the two, and it worked out pretty well.)

8 - Save Santa: SpongeBob, Patrick, and Sandy journey to the North Pole to find out why Santa didn't show up for Christmas, and they must do so before Christmas or else kids all around the world won't get a present from Santa this year, and they must return to Bikini Bottom for the Krusty Krab Christmas lights show. This is supposed to be a special, so some awesome action scenes against robots or evil robotic elves could be pretty cool.

9 - GuitarBob Rockpants: SpongeBob and Sandy enter a competition over who is best at jamming with the guitar, facing guitar legends from across the sea. SpongeBob and Sandy become the finalists and wind up tying. This episode came up in my head months ago while watching my younger brother play Guitar Hero.

10 - Temporary Best Friend (name courtesy of BrickSponge2015): This is a Patrick/Sandy duo episode where SpongeBob goes to a family reunion in the Caribbean Sea, and Patrick decides to play with Sandy because Squidward said no and he didn't really know anybody else. Sandy tries to teach Patrick to read, to fight with karate, etc. It's supposed to be funny. I couldn't think of a name for this episode, so some help is appreciated.

11 - The Intern: Mr. Krabs hires Sandy to the Krusty Krab as a backup fry cook, bodyguard against Plankton and waitress. Squidward winds up getting more annoyed because Sandy and SpongeBob couldn't stop playing around with karate, random games, etc.

12 - Kid Cheeks: After playing tag with SpongeBob, Sandy decides to invent something to turn her into a kid. She turns out to be trouble because she was a hyper, stubborn daredevil as a kid. SpongeBob and Patrick then find how chaotic and hyper Sandy was as a kid and try to turn her back into an adult.

13 - Robo-Cheeks: Plankton builds a powerful robotic version of Sandy (picture Sandy just without the helmet, glowing a neon lime green and the powers and functions of Jenny from My Life as a Teenage Robot) to gain SpongeBob's trust and get the Secret Formula. This is probably the only Plankton-attempts-to-steal-the-formula episode I may have here.

14 - Sister Mandy: Sandy's younger sister, Mandy, visits Bikini Bottom. She is a college student, aspiring scientist, and a sarcastic heavy metal guitar prodigy from California. SpongeBob and Patrick visit and try to show Mandy around the town. She then shows SpongeBob her guitar skills, somewhat making Sandy jealous.

15 - Girls Night Out: Mr. Krabs forces Sandy to hang out with Pearl and her friends for a day so Pearl can feel better from her recent break-up. This is technically a Pearl/Sandy duo episode.

16 - Battle For Bikini Bottom: Basically a special version of the video game. Come on, I can't be the only one that wants this!

17 - Gone 2: A sequel for Gone in which just before National No SpongeBob Day (*gags*), SpongeBob goes missing, and his friends try to cope with life without him. Everyone winds up feeling remorse. Sandy feels the most remorse, due to her being the smartest one, and becomes a teary mess throughout the episode. She commences a town-wide search for SpongeBob towards the end. Based on a fanfic.

18 - The Jinx: This is based on a fanfic I read a while ago of Sandy jinxing SpongeBob and forcing him not to say a word until he gets her a soda. SpongeBob endures 5 hours of silence and Sandy trying to get him to talk. The fanfic was hilarious, and I'd give the link if I remember what it's called.

19 - The Talent Show: The Bikini Bottom Talent Show is a week away, and everyone is participating. SpongeBob, Patrick, Sandy and Squidward form an epic rock band to win first place! Any famous rock song (or parodies of them) with epic solos will do.

20 - From Hero To Legend (Movie): This is my direct sequel idea for the first SpongeBob movie. My title for the first movie is From Kid To Hero, therefore my sequel idea is From Hero To Legend. Overview in another topic in Fan Creations. Be on the lookout!

21 - The Sickness: Everyone in Bikini Bottom gets sick by an unnatural sickness. SpongeBob and Sandy must save Bikini Bottom before the sickness spreads all over the ocean, or, worse, turns into something worse.

22 - Land Ho!: Sandy offers taking SpongeBob and Patrick to Texas (SpongeBob and Patrick will have helmets, don't worry). On their way, unfortunately, none of the three realized how different times are. (No puppets! Please I don't want another Rodeo Daze...)

23 - Alien Attack!: Aliens invade Bikini Bottom in disguise as fish. SpongeBob, Patrick, Sandy, and Squidward (to his dismay) bring it upon themselves to drive them away and save Bikini Bottom.

24 - Post-Hibernation Week: Sandy wakes up from hibernation to the news that her bosses have given her a year vacation for her last invention. She decides to make up for lost time with SpongeBob by doing extreme stunts again. This is the supposed beginning to my ideal season.

25 - No More Karate: A karate match goes wrong. Sandy gets too competitive and frustrated as SpongeBob has improved greatly in karate and seems to be winning the match. Sandy majorly injures SpongeBob. After enduring 4 days of self-inflicted emotional pain, Sandy sees SpongeBob awake, repeatedly laments about the match and promises never to fight again. This is NOT the end of karate. SpongeBob will be coercing Sandy that it wasn't her fault and that karate was what got their friendship started.

26 - The Squid Switch: Squilliam and Squidward switch lives for a day. A lot of confusion, humor and awkwardness galore here... Starting with SpongeBob who thinks Squidward (Squilliam) got a haircut to Mr. Krabs thinking he is behaving funnier but couldn't care less to Sandy being suspicious to Patrick thinking they are twins.

27 - The Trio: Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy officially retire again because Mermaid Man's powers are fading away and he has a permanent throat infection. SpongeBob, Patrick and Sandy bring it upon themselves to be the new vigilantes of Bikini Bottom.

28 - Sandy the Secret Squirrel Spy: Sandy was a spy before becoming a scientist. She gets re-hired, but she is now too reluctant because this mission can potentially mean danger to her friends. SpongeBob discovers this secret and decides to come along as emotional support. This mission gets worse as they are assigned to be undercover at New Kelp City, where the citizens are still after Mayor Brownpants aka SpongeBob himself.

29 - The Sponge That Never Was: SpongeBob wonders how his friends' lives are if he were never born. The Flying Dutchman gives him a peek.He shows that the Krusty Krab is closed, Squidward is homeless, Patrick is living with his parents with no friends, Sandy is in Texas miserable, Plankton rules Bikini Bottom, Mr. Krabs is penniless, and Gary is in a pound miserable. SpongeBob thanks himself that he makes a difference in his friends' lives. (Yea. The exact opposite of what the message of Gone was. Ugh I hate that episode!)

30 - M6 Toll-ed (Thanks Roadie): Mrs. Puff couldn't take SpongeBob anymore and expels him from her boating school. SpongeBob gets sent to another boating school that looked like a prison. SpongeBob then makes an effort to get back to Mrs. Puff, one way or another.

31 - A High School Reunion: SpongeBob is scared of going to his high school reunion. He decides to ask Patrick, who went to the same high school, for advice. This will turn chaotic, especially with the advice Patrick gives him...

32 - A Girl For Pat: The Bikini Bottom Dance is around the corner and SpongeBob, who already asked Sandy, decides to help Patrick ask a girl. This is a montage of Patrick messing up every time. There is one tolerable Spandy hint here. The two simply have fun, but the only hint is Sandy blushing when SpongeBob compliments the dress she is wearing. (I suck at description and I wish I can tell it.)

33 - Generosity Camp: SpongeBob and Squidward send Mr. Krabs to a generosity camp in an attempt to cure him from his greediness. Let's just say it almost worked...

34 - Computer Issues: Karen and Plankton have a fight and separate for a few days. Plankton copes by playing with Spot and Karen goes out to find women to talk to. She scares most of the other women away except a suspicious Sandy and a bored Pearl.

35 - Take From The Rich: Mr. Krabs discovers that Squilliam is rich, so he tries to get him to buy Krabby Patties. Squidward gladly signs up and considers ruining him. This is a Mr. Krabs vs. Squilliam episode

36 - The Big Brain Game: The Big Brain Games are hosted in Bikini Bottom. A team of Squidward and Sandy face off against the smartest of other underwater towns, including Squilliam and one of Sandy's rivals from her company. Squidward and Sandy make an interesting duo, but constant fighting over who gets the credit (Squidward wants to be famous and Sandy just wants to participate, and Squidward assumes that Sandy will lose the game for him.) can mean trouble for our duo.

37 - Curse of the Shadow: A disease steals the souls of all Bikini Bottomites, becoming a stronger, cursed shadow bent on taking over the sea, and turning the soulless Bikini Bottomites into faceless zombies. Sandy's the last one left, and she must save her friends, before the shadow gets too strong or before it takes her soul as well. This is the darkest idea I've ever had, so this is a stretch.

38 - Best Friend Fight: Patrick and Sandy challenge each other over who will be SpongeBob's better best friend. SpongeBob tries to stop the fight, saying they are both equally his best friends, but the contest is on.

39 - Food Fight!: Bored at work, SpongeBob and Sandy (who works there in my ideal season) start a food fight. All the customers either flee or join in. Squidward tries to blame SpongeBob and Sandy, who both huddle in SpongeBob's kitchen laughing hysterically and spraying condiments at each other and Plankton uses this as an opportunity to steal the Krabby Patty formula.

40 - The Squirrel Before: Mr. Krabs tells SpongeBob and Sandy that he has met what seems to be Sandy's mother during his seafaring days.This is by far my most far-fetched theory and idea I've ever had, but this should be quite interesting. I've had this theory that Sandy got her scientist side from her mother, seeing how she got her extreme and cowgirl sides from her dad. This can also explain in a way why some of Sandy's ancestors lived underwater. Maybe I'm crazy. Maybe I'm just obsessed with Sandy but you know what? I digress.

41 - Battle of the Bands: Squilliam wants revenge on Squidward for humiliating him during the Bubble Bowl. He decides to challenge Squidward at a battle of the bands.

42 - Squid Got Hair: Squidward tries through different measures to grow hair after Squilliam makes fun of him for being bald (He counted his unibrow as hair). He tried random TV ads and begged Sandy to make a serum for hair growth, but she said she did not know how because she already had hair. Squidward finally succeeds after a doctor gives him a special hair spray. Squidward is happy and gloats at Squilliam until SpongeBob and Patrick (mostly Patrick) accidentally cut his hair and spill the spray. Squidward is infuriated until he sees that Squilliam's unibrow is also cut, causing Squidward to laugh at him.

43 - A Sitter For Spot: Plankton lets SpongeBob babysit Spot while he goes away for a couple days. Little does SpongeBob know that Spot tends to get a little hyper.

44 - Pat Works Out: After losing a race to SpongeBob and Sandy, Patrick decides to get fit. Larry is his reluctant instructor, and he can't seem to get Patrick to concentrate. Meanwhile, SpongeBob and Sandy are laughing in the background. You can consider this a Larry/Patrick duo episode.

45 - Slenderfish!: SpongeBob, Patrick and Sandy learn of the myth of Slenderfish, a legendary specter that hunts those who know about him. Sandy wants to venture in the Kelp Forest to prove the myth wrong, but SpongeBob and Patrick try to prevent her in fear of all of them suffering the ultimate demise. This is a Halloween themed episode based on Slenderman obviously.

46 - Return of the Hi-Seas: SpongeBob, Patrick, Sandy, Squidward, and Mr. Krabs reform their epic band and decide to go on a tour across the ocean. From Mr. Krabs only doing this for money to Squidward wanting the fame and the most credit, the group may face tension and conflict, making the reformation of the band easier said than done.

47 - The Karate Competition: SpongeBob and Sandy sign up for a karate competition as a tag team. They face fighters from all around the world, including some old faces. This competition is hosted by Fuzzy Acorns himself, and the winner will gain worldwide recognition from fighters everywhere.

48 - Boating Squirrel: Sandy goes to Boating School to renew her license. With SpongeBob there, Sandy is forced to tutor, until her extreme side sets in, and Mrs. Puff will be in for one heck of a ride. This is regarded as a Mrs. Puff/Sandy duo episode.

49 - The Ultimate Sleepover: SpongeBob, Patrick, Sandy, Squidward, Mr. Krabs and Gary (Much to Squidward and Mr. Krabs' dismays) have a sleepover at SpongeBob's house. They play board games, make videos, pull pranks, tell scary stories, and a lot of other random stuff.

50 - Magical Mayhem: After a visit from a master magician, SpongeBob tries to learn magic at a special school, but little did he know that the magicians there study the dark arts. (This is my stupidest idea. The Harry Potter fan in me came out. I also tried not to let this copy Hocus Pocus.

51 - The Squirrel Next Door: Sandy decides to move on Conch Street with the boys. This will involve Patrick trying to introduce himself, a karate/prank frenzy, an angry squid, and an extreme stunt going awry.

52 - Quest for Ice Cream: SpongeBob entrusts Patrick to stand in line to get them a new special ice cream. This proves that Patrick can make an adventure out of the easiest of tasks.

53 - The Chosen Ones (Movie): This is a random sort of mythological(?) movie in which SpongeBob and friends are chosen to defend the world from godlike enemies. Each friend has a special power. SpongeBob is the Soldier of Light, Patrick is the Soldier of Might, Sandy is the Soldier of Force, Squidward is the Soldier of Time, and so on and so forth. Each have a theme song (mostly dubstep for some oddball reason) and this idea came out of nowhere. I'm crazy. Oh so crazy.

54 - A Night in the Life of Squidward: Squidward installs a camera to watch him sleep because he suspects SpongeBob messing with him. This episode is a montage of main characters coming into his home for random reasons. SpongeBob and Patrick take pictures and dress him up, Sandy uses his suction cups to open a peanut butter can randomly, Mr. Krabs looks for change on his bed, and Plankton tries to brainwash him until SpongeBob returns to save him. Boy will Squidward be surprised on what he sees. This isn't Squidward abuse, because nobody beats him up or anything.

55- Gary and Spot: SpongeBob petsits for Plankton, and Gary and Spot bond.
56- The Letter: Sandy is on a trip to Bass Vegas to accept an award. SpongeBob writes a letter to send to her, but many obstacles get in his way on the way to the Post Office.
57- Roommates: SpongeBob's roof is under construction, and he convinces Squidward to let him stay while it's being worked on. Squidward reluctantly agrees, and SpongeBob continues doing what he does best- ruining Squidward's day! (This episode has less Squid Abuse than it sounds like it does)
58- The Storm: There's a huge storm going on, so SpongeBob, Patrick, Squidward, and Mr. Krabs are forced to stay in the Krusty Krab. Plankton tries to use this as a distraction so he can steal the formula, but ends up stuck as well. This one is a combination of Graveyard Shift, Pineapple Fever, and The Camping Episode.
59- The Wigs: SpongeBob, Sandy, and Patrick are hanging out at the Weenie Hut. Patrick wants to get into the Salty Spittoon, when SB finds a remote which makes jerky versions of the trio come from the future in another dimension and try to keep Pat out of the SS for some reason. This is my dumbest idea, but maybe my funniest.
60- Pickle Panic: SB4D in 11-minute normal episode form.
61- SquidShakes (special): Based on my fanfic:
62- DoodleBob returns: DoodleBob returns.
63- Chum, chum, and chum-er: I haven't completely figured this one out yet, but I know that it will be a "Plankton tries to steal the Secret Formula" episode, and Patrick will play a big role in it. It might be a sequel to Chum Bucket Supreme.
64- Backyard Battle: SpongeBob and Squidward are getting rid of their junk... by throwing it at each other. This is kind of a longer, more interesting version of Reef Blower. And yes, it does have voice acting.
65- A Day in the life of Squidward: This episode is a weird crossover between Krusty Krab Training Video and Rise and Shine. It just sums up Squidward's usual day in 11 minutes. Has some funny Squid Abuse.
66- Chum World: Based on the level from the Revenge Of The Flying Dutchman video game. Plankton opens up a theme park.
67- Goodnight, Patty: SpongeBob and Squidward work the night shift and compete to see who can stay awake longer. To do that, they do things such as drink Coffee, Run Laps, Play Board Games, Play Video Games, Eat Donuts, etc. Combination of Employee of the Month and Graveyard Shift.
68- The Rings: SpongeBob plays the Ring Toss at Glove Universe to try to get Patrick a Plush Toy. Meanwhile, Sandy spices up a few rides. Let's just say it doesn't end well.
69- Jellyfishing Advanced: SpongeBob can't decide if he wants to visit Sandy or go Jellyfishing, so he and Patrick decide to take Sandy Jellyfishing with them. She loves it, but gets crazily competitive, hyper and heated, and the boys quickly discover it wasn't such a good idea to bring her along after all.
70- Krusty Campers (special): Mr. Krabs takes SpongeBob and Patrick camping for the weekend right before SpongeBob's week off as a reward, but they get hopelessly lost after about 5 inches into the Kelp Forest. They discover an ancient temple full of diamonds, get chased by an Alaskan Bull Worm, and finally find the campsite- which is a few feet away from where they started. Patrick burns all their food, so he makes the "natural version" of a Krabby Patty- which tastes awful. Thankfully, SpongeBob finds a beef jerky tree (I know, right?) and they have a good time and stay up late. They come back to Bikini Bottom to find a note that says Squidward's gone camping, then SpongeBob and Patrick disappear, leaving Mr. Krabs alone. Meanwhile, SpongeBob, Patrick, Sandy, and Squidward are entering the Kelp Forest for their own camping trip, laughing. It ends with them around a fire and Patrick saying "So much better than that last one." and SpongeBob agreeing.
71- Chum Bucket Training Video: Just like KKTV, except with Plankton lying and pretending to be nice. This happens at one point:
Plankton: Here are some reviews from our satisfied customers! (turns on TV)
P: OOPS! (takes disc out of DVD drive)
72- Finding Spot (special): Plankton's version of Have You Seen This Snail?. Spot goes missing, and Plankton tries to find him with the help of SpongeBob. It just turns out that Spot was locked in Plankton's closet the whole time!
73- The Strangler's Revenge: The Strangler breaks out of jail and tries to find SpongeBob, but SpongeBob thwarts every attempt of his to attack him without even knowing it.
74- Movie Night: It's Movie Night at the Krusty Krab! But a few things get in the way, like Sandy, Patrick, and 2 or 3 random fish being the only ones that show up, or Plankton trying to get the formula, or a Power Outage. But still, the show must go on- wait, did you just say Power Outage?
75- SpongeBob, myself, and I: Plankton clones SpongeBob several times by accident. SpongeBob uses this to his advantage.
76- The Bet(special): Halloween episode. SB, Pat, Squid, Sandy, Krabs, and Plankton compete to see who can get the most candy. The Dutchman shows up and tries to scare them, and fails.
77- Snow Wars: Mr. Krabs, SpongeBob, and Sandy fight Patrick, Squidward, and Plankton in a snowball fight.
78- The Squilliam Show: Squilliam hosts a TV show with Squidward. It's not an episode about filming the TV show, but rather an episode of the show they make.
79- A Very Krusty Christmas: Based on the Picture Book.
80- A Squilliam family christmas: Squilliam's show has a christmas special.
81- The Tree: SpongeBob keeps his christmas tree all the way into March. Squidward and Sandy try to get him to throw it away.
82- Flatts Returns: SpongeBob thinks Flatts is coming back for revenge, so he becomes paranoid and goes into hiding in his house, causing him to slowly go insane. Mr. Krabs, Patrick, and Sandy try to get him out. This episode is a mix of The Bully, I Had An Accident, and Earworm.
83- GameSponge: SpongeBob buys an impossible video game, and gets stuck on level 2 and becomes obsessed with it. Patrick buys the same game, and plays it. Then so does Mr. Krabs. Everyone in Bikini Bottom except for Squidward and Sandy are turned into insane playing zombies, and it's up to Sandy and Squidward to break the curse of the world's hardest game.
84- Office Squirrel: Treedome Enterprises moves to Bikini Bottom, and Sandy starts working at the office everyday. She becomes a workaholic and blocks out every part of the world that doesn't have to do with working, so it's up to SpongeBob tries to change her back to her old self!
85- The Insurance: Patrick wants home insurance, so SpongeBob, Sandy and Plankton try to help. This one is way more interesting and funny than it sounds like it is.
86- The Fireplace: SpongeBob and Patrick try to build a fireplace for the pineapple and switch around the Living Room. He has the fireplace for the rest of the series.
87- Krusty Love II: Mr. Krabs is acting suspicious and seems to be planning something. SpongeBob overhears him talking to Squidward and thinks Mr. Krabs and Mrs. Puff are getting married and Mr. Krabs will retire, so he tries to stop the wedding. But it's not a wedding- it's a fancy party to celebrate SpongeBob's 264th Employee Of The Month award!
88- Security Upgrade: Mr. Krabs decides to get a new security system for the Krusty Krab, but refuses to pay for one and tries to build one.
89- Operation Krabby Patty (special): Based on the video game.
90- The Logs: SpongeBob wants to get logs for his fireplace, but has a hard time finding them.
91- Social Sponge: SpongeBob discovers the horror that is social media websites.
92- MM&BB 4D: MM&BB 4D opens at Glove Universe. SpongeBob, Patrick, and Sandy go to see it.
93- Spongemantic satiation: SpongeBob hears the words "Krabby Patty" one time too many and forgets what it means. This results in chaos at the KK.
94- Return of the Suds: SpongeBob gets sick again, and Patrick covers for him at the Krusty Krab. He nearly destroys the restruant. Kind of like the SB comic "Pat The Temp".
95- Squidward's house party (special): Squidward hosts a fancy party and doesn't invite SB, Pat, Krabs, Sandy, Plankton, or Squilliam, so they try to break in and crash the party. Meanwhile, Squidward runs out of food and the guests revolt.
96- Plankton's Day Off: Plankton takes a break from trying to steal the formula, and takes Spot for a walk in Jellyfish Fields. He runs into SpongeBob and Sandy, and they invite him to jellyfish with them. Also, this one is set in the end of June, so that can give you an idea of the setting.
97- The Shutdown (special): Bikini Bottom's government shuts down for the summer, resulting in the Krusty Krab and Jellyfish Fields being closed temporarily. SpongeBob has a hard time coping with this, and Patrick and Sandy try to cheer him up. Meanwhile, Mr. Krabs and Squidward, who just wants to go home, try to think of an emergency backup plan of the Krusty Krab, and Plankton tries to steal the formula. This one is supposed to take place 2 days after Plankton's Day Off.
98- The Great Bikini Bottom War (special): Mr. Krabs wants to try out a new menu and holds a vote to see which menu items should be replaced, and unintentionally causes a city-wide debate which results in the town being split in half by a brick wall (tee-hee) and Bottomites being forced to choose sides. SpongeBob, Mr. Krabs, Patrick, and Sandy stand by helplessly, while Squidward is actually quite pleased with this. Eventually, the town is on the verge of bursting out into battle and insanity, and it's up to SpongeBob, Patrick, Squidward (to his dismay), Mr. Krabs, and Sandy to save their hometown from an epic war.
99- Big Pink Winner: Patrick's record for doing nothing the longest is being threatened, and he tries to protect his title.
100- The Donuts: Treedome Enterprises sends Sandy on an epic quest that might be the greatest adventure of her whole life: buy donuts. And she only has 20 minutes to do so.
101- Bankrupt: Squilliam suddenly runs out of money and he for once actually needs cash, and searches around town for loose change... until he sees a Help Wanted sign in the window of everyone's favorite underwater eatery: the Krusty Krab!
102- The Tunnels: Squidward finds a huge cave system that goes all around town right under his house and tries to keep it a secret.
103- The Present: SpongeBob buys Squidward a new jacket as a gift and tries to keep it safe.
104- Bowling Buddies: SpongeBob takes Patrick, Squidward, Sandy, and Krabs bowling, but Patrick gets distracted, SB gets drunk on ice cream, Sandy has a headache and has to sit out, and Krabs and Squidward get competitive.
105- Guy's night: SpongeBob and Patrick are having a sleepover. Sandy comes by, but they don't let her into their "guy's night". She tries to prove she's worthy by doing several "cool" things... like making popcorn, or touching a cow, etc.
106- Saving private Star: Plankton holds Patrick hostage, so Sandy, SpongeBob, and Mr. Krabs spy from the Krusty Krab and try to sneak in. However, by the end SpongeBob, Sandy, and Krabs have been captured too, so they may have to work from the inside out instead of the opposite like they had planned. Sort of a "secret agent" episode until the last 3 minutes. This literally happens at one point:
Sandy: (opens eyes and is next to Mr. Krabs in what appears to be a jail cell) Ugh... where am I?
Plankton: Oh, nothing, I've just captured all of you.
[SpongeBob is behind Plankton being hung on what appears to a medieval torture device]
[Mr. Krabs facepalms]
Karen: Stop yelling! I'm downloading a software update!
107- The Helmet: Sandy's suit is destroyed, and her air helmet is rendered useless because of the opening at the bottom. She tries out several new designs, none of which really work. (for example, one makes her hardly able to move, one chokes her, one she can't even see out of, etc.)
108- New Year's Party: SpongeBob holds a party for the new year, but it doesn't work out too well.
109- Easter: An easter episode. That's pretty much it.
110- The Book (special): Squidward finds an old book in storage which turns out to be his great grandfather's uncle's diary, and it turns out that the gang's ancestors all knew each other.
111- The outlaws: SpongeBob removes a tag off of his couch and leaves town in fear of being arrested. Sandy and Mr. Krabs try to bring him back.
112- Squilliam's pet (thanks to Growlie): Squilliam gets an animal companion.
113- Squilliam Superson (thanks again to Growlie): Squilliam gains magical powers and uses them to freak out Squidward. But when a dark force threatens Bikini Bottom, can he save everyone? Plus, this has his song! (yay)
114- Best friends forever (special): A special focusing on how SpongeBob and Patrick became best friends.
115- A Tale of Two Squids (TV movie, thanks again to Growlie): The history of Squidward and Squilliam's rivalry told through flashbacks from infants to the present. Also, it has a scene where they are in a daycare, baby Squidward tips over and baby Squilliam starts laughing.
116 - Superstar!: A superhero named Superstar shows up in Bikini Bottom and Patrick tries to be his sidekick. SpongeBob tries to stop Patrick because he starts to suspect that Plankton is up to something.

117 - Crossing the Line: Squidward draws a property line and threatens to call the cops if SpongeBob or Patrick step over it.

118 - Submarooned: SpongeBob, Patrick, Sandy and Squidward discover an abandoned submarine on the outskirts of Bikini Bottom. Patrick accidentally activates the submarine and it veers into a faraway cave. The four then try to find a way out of the cave and back in Bikini Bottom. This is a combination of 20,000 Patties Under the Sea, Pizza Delivery and Squidtastic Voyage.

119 - Legendary Spatula: SpongeBob learns about the Legendary Diamond Encrusted Spatula and decides to find it. He brings Patrick along in case he needs any help. SpongeBob finds it, only to find out that it was cursed by the fry cook who last used it.

120 - Disappearances: Random Bikini Bottomites disappear at midnight. Sandy brings it upon herself to investigate the case and stop it. Fearing the worst, SpongeBob tries to stop her from trying to solve the case. Unfortunately, this effort causes him to get involved as well. This is a dark episode that is a mix of two fanfics I read. I can't remember their titles though sadly.
121 - Land vs. Sea (TV Movie): The Bikini Bottomites discover that land creatures eat sea creatures, and declare war on them. This causes a heavy bounty to be placed upon Sandy; a bounty so heavy that Patrick, Squidward and especially Mr. Krabs eventually turn on her. SpongeBob tries to clear her name, but the Bikini Bottomites then view him as a traitor. This is hectic and random.

122 - News Anchor Sandy: Sandy tries out to be a news anchor and wins the spot. She becomes so popular that Perch Perkins gets jealous and tries to get her fired. She remains a Krusty Krab employee, but she's an intern so she's not required to work there as much.

123 - Breath of Fresh Water: Sandy finally invents something to let her breathe both air and water, and shares it with SpongeBob and pals so she can get rid of the helmets. This is finale material.

124 - Photo Crazy: Sandy buys her, Patrick and SpongeBob cameras and all go on a photo rampage to the point where they start challenging each other over who gets the most photos.

125 - Game On: SpongeBob, Patrick and Sandy play a virtual reality computer game and they face forces they have never seen before. This is similar to that one old Fairly Oddparents episode.
126- HAPPY BUBBLY EPISODE TIME: Sandy accidentally shoots herself with one of her inventions and becomes an insane optimist with an extremely high pitched voice, which makes her mind literally not able to have a negative outlook on anything positive. SpongeBob and Patrick try to stop this and end up chasing her all over town. This little clip from the script should give you a good idea of the whole episode:
[Sandy's running by Squidward's house, then stops and looks up at him who's looking out his window]
Squidward: Well, I'm not.
Sandy: Y-you're not happy?
Squidward: No.
Sandy: You're not haaaaaaappy... *cue crazy monster voice* THEN DIE!!!
[Sandy shoots laser eyes that destroy part of Squidward's house, Sandy walks away as if it never happened and Squidward is covered in burn marks]
Squidward: That was actually kind of refreshing.
[Squidward starts rubbing the half-destroyed walls]

127- Krusty Comics: Mr. Krabs becomes obsessed with Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy, and this affects the Krusty Krab.
128- The Worm: SpongeBob gets a pet worm, and Gary gets jealous, although the worm tries to make friends.
129- Video Pants: SpongeBob needs to get rid of a few DVDs... and he has A LOT.
130- Rock Improvement: Patrick does some home improvement with the help of SpongeBob and Sandy, but ends up making it worse.
131 - SpongeBob SmartyPants: Sandy experiments with an invention that makes an individual smarter. SpongeBob gives it a try. At first, Sandy is glad that SpongeBob is finally able to help her without much worry, but she eventually realizes that a smart SpongeBob is a worse SpongeBob. The problem is, Squidward really enjoys this SpongeBob, and tries to prevent Sandy from turning him back to normal.

132 - Operation: Save the Future (TV Movie): Sandy from the not-so-distant future visits current Bikini Bottom. She warns that Plankton threatens to destroy the world and that SpongeBob, Patrick, Sandy and Squidward must prevent it before it's too late. Future Sandy also tells the group that Future SpongeBob is held hostage by Plankton. I may or may not let Sandy mention her last name, so a certain ship can be open to interpretation. Also, Future Sandy no longer needs an air helmet.

133 - A SpongeBob Christmas Carol: Sandy reads SpongeBob and group the story of A Christmas Carol told SpongeBob style!! Mr. Krabs plays as Ebeneezer Scrooge, and he will be going on the well-known journey that can save his reputation.

134 - The Body Switch: Due to Patrick interfering with an experiment, SpongeBob and Sandy switch bodies. They seek Plankton for parts for repair. Plankton, meanwhile, is searching for Spot, who ran away scared overnight.

135 - Curse of the Were-Sponge: After a mysterious attack late at night walking home from the Krusty Krab, Patrick, Sandy and Squidward discover an abnormal change in SpongeBob's appearance and behavior. Little do they know that at night, SpongeBob will transform into a monster that will not be easy to beat.

136 - Mr.Krabs Goes To Jail! (Growlie's Idea): Squilliam loses his wallet when attacked by fans, Mr.Krabs finds it, and attempts to steal the money cause of greed. Squidward discovers the wallet, then later realizing that's Squilliam's, Squidward tries to return it to his rival but Mr.Krabs tries to stop him but Squidward wins and returns the wallet. The episode would end with Mr.Krabs getting arrested.
This would be placed in with Frenemies!

137 - Pranks, But No Pranks! (Growlie's Idea Again): Squilliam would become guilty after a, seamlessly harmless prank, would cause Squidward to become hurt. The plot would be almost similar to Fools In April! This also, would be placed in with Frenemies!

138 - Gary's Twin (Idea by GaryTheSnail): Gary meets another snail who looks identical to him, so they switch lives for a day. The other snail just so happens to belong to King Neptune. Gary gets used to the rich life and doesn't want to leave, until he ends up missing SpongeBob.

139 - Lemonade Lame-os: SpongeBob and Patrick open a lemonade stand, on Squidward's property! Squidward tries to kick them out, but SpongeBob and Patrick are getting a lot of costumers. This is a combination of Patty Hype and Bubblestand.

140 - Meet the Cheeks Family: Sandy's family visits Bikini Bottom while she and SpongeBob were playing karate. SpongeBob offers a tour of the town and Sandy hopes he doesn't mess anything up. Everything goes well until Patrick shows up... I'll leave it at that.

141 - Quest for the Titanic (TV Movie): Sandy teaches SpongeBob the history of the famous ill-fated ship Titanic. SpongeBob convinces her to help him look for it, and brings Patrick, Squidward and Mr. Krabs along. This is an epic adventure full of history, adventure, and bandits and pirates. I just watched the 1997 movie Titanic, and I was curious as to whether this was plausible. It's educational and interesting, so I went for it.
142 - Enemies to Friends: Alternate universe where Sandy and SpongeBob met under different circumstances. They are pinned against each other during a brutal war between Land and Sea over world domination. SpongeBob and Sandy are the last two in the annihilated city of Bikini Bottom. SpongeBob never wanted to fight in the war and seeks peace, while Sandy wants to avenge her home and family. Though the two have trouble trusting each other, the two eventually become the best of friends. This idea is dark and heartwarming. This is sort of based on a fanfic, because in the fanfic, SpongeBob and Sandy became lovers.

143 - Operation Free Bikini Bottom: Alternate universe where Plankton is supreme ruler of Bikini Bottom and renames it to Planktopolis. SpongeBob and friends live under his totalitarian government, where self-expression and defiance mean death. SpongeBob, Patrick and Sandy join a freedom fighting squad Mr. Krabs created to free the citizens, overthrow Plankton and restore Bikini Bottom to its former glory. You can say this is a SpongeBob parody of George Orwell's 1984 in a way.

144 - Back to School: Alternate universe where SpongeBob and friends are starting high school. SpongeBob and Patrick try to make friends with other students. Squidward tries to get the two expelled to get rid of them. Sandy is a foreign exchange student seeking friends. Mr. Krabs is weirdly enough the principal and Mrs. Puff is one of those teachers that wants to quit her job.

145 - SpongeBob 3D: SpongeBob and friends are in a 3-Dimensional world similar to Jimmy Neutron's animation style. This is the silliest and least thorough idea in the mini-series.
146 - Airborne Sponge: After giving up in getting a boating license, SpongeBob signs up in plane class. A lot of nonsense and failure takes place here.

147 - She Ain't So Tough: SpongeBob and Patrick learn Sandy's weaknesses. My theory is funny. I say she coos when she spots babies (cute and nobody can resist a baby), Sandy is scared of dogs, gorillas and very big animals (I Had an Accident reference), and she breaks down whenever SpongeBob or one of her family members gets killed or severely injured (SpongeBob mostly when she blames herself for it). Everything stays a secret until Plankton finds out and plans to capture Sandy and offers her to SpongeBob in exchange for the formula.

148 - High and Mighty Plankton: Plankton tries to come up with something that can make him taller. He succeeds, but only temporarily. This is one of those simple but funny ideas.

149 - The Brick Barrier: Squidward builds a brick wall barrier around his house to keep SpongeBob and Patrick from destroying his property. This is a reference to the brick wall in Dying for Pie. Consider this a shoutout to you Brick!

150 - Servant Squirrel: Sandy is sentenced to being Mr. Krabs' personal assistant after she damages the Krusty Krab during a karate match against SpongeBob. This is not Sandy abuse, but rather a montage of chores she has to do. There's a Wet Painters reference where Sandy has to paint Mr. Krabs' home white, Sandy has to work for Pearl for various reasons, etc. Debating whether to scrap this still because Mr. Krabs does seem unlikable.
151- Patrick-Man 2! (Thanks To Storm): When ManRay defeats MM&BB and gets all there powers Patrick becomes Patrick-Man again. But after he needs help he gets the IJLSA to help him.
152- SpongeBob BaseballPants (Thanks To The Lazy Starfish):
So basically SpongeBob is bored one day then this guy named David Fisherton(voiced by David Ortiz you're welcome RSF) tells him about the beautiful Sport of Baseball. SpongeBob then decides to form a Baseball team called the "SpongeBuddys" in which He hires Mr. Krabs as owner, then Plankton makes a team called the "Terminators". Plankton then decides to challenge the SpongeBuddys for a game WHO WILL WIN?
153 - Reality Squid: Squidward signs for a reality television show to show people how miserable his life is and how annoying around him is. This won't have Squidward abuse and this won't rip off Tentacle Vision.

154 - Figurative Dance Fools: Squidward gets the chance to start a figurative dancing class. Many sign up for his class, including SpongeBob, Patrick and Sandy. This.... This is a montage of fail, and Patrick being unexpectedly good at pirouettes..
156. Driftwood Doofuses: It's a cloudy day and there's nothing to do at Goo Lagoon, so SpongeBob and Patrick explore and discover a deserted rocky beach area far downriver from Jellyfish Fields called Barnacle Bay, where several pieces of driftwood and logs have washed up on the beach. They decide to build a fort out of logs, but construction is going too slow, so they get Sandy, Squidward, Mr. Krabs, Plankton, Gary, Spot, Karen, Mrs. Puff, Larry, Mermaid Man, Barnacle Boy and Pearl to help, and Barnacle Bay becomes a full-on construction site.
157. The Apology (special): "Part Two" to Driftwood Doofuses. SpongeBob, Patrick, and Sandy add on to the fort, while Squidward sunbathes. They convince Squidward to help. But Squidward accidentally slams a log into SpongeBob's side, and nearly breaks his left leg! Squidward refuses to apologize because it was an accident, and SpongeBob goes home and won't come out. Squidward still refuses when Patrick and Sandy try to get him to say sorry, and then loses his temper and yells at them. They go home too, and Squidward starts to regret it a little. He dismisses it and assumes they'll just forget about it, but then when SpongeBob doesn't show up for work, he starts to worry and decides that he'll apologize. He first goes to Sandy for help, and she's a nervous wreck, hiding in her house and not bothering to clean up. Squidward apologizes to her and gets her to come along to SpongeBob's house. They stop by Patrick's Rock, and the same thing happens with him. SpongeBob's pineapple is a total mess, with floors covered with junk to where they can hardly move. They slowly make their way to the stairs, nearly drowning in the junk as if it were quicksand, and finally get to SpongeBob's room. Squidward apologizes, but SpongeBob doesn't accept it. The two then get into a heated argument. Sandy and Patrick watch helplessly... until they hear an ominous rumbling noise coming from SpongeBob's closet. The door bursts open, and random junk nearly floods the house. It goes out a window and floods Bikini Bottom, taking the pineapple with it! The wave of junk gets closer and closer to Rock Bottom, and is about to go off the edge! Sandy jumps on to a nearby coral hill, and uses her lasso to grab Patrick and Squidward. SpongeBob calls for help, but Sandy refuses to save him until he accepts Squidward's apology. He breaks down crying and apologizes himself, and Squidward accepts it. Sandy then lassos him, but he crashes into her, and they all fly off the edge. It ends with all of them in the hospital making amends and laughing, yeah. This is sort of like Sandy's Past: not the funniest episode, but important character development. Partially based on a true story.
158 - SpongeBob DetectivePants: Patrick gets framed for a crime. SpongeBob DetectivePants and partner Sandy try to clear his name. This involves Sandy taking the case too seriously in a silly literal enactment sort of way, Patrick asking the prison guard to go to the bathroom, and SpongeBob accusing Squidward repeatedly.

159 - Bikini Bottom Idol: Bikini Bottom Idol is in town, and SpongeBob, Squidward, Sandy and Mr. Krabs audition. They all make it in. Squidward realizes that Squilliam also got in. Squidward decides to sabotage Squilliam, SpongeBob, Sandy and Mr. Krabs for a better chance at winning by trying to make them lose their voice. Got this idea from watching American Idol auditions yesterday.

160 - Sleepwalkers!: Plankton builds a device that turns sleeping people into minions to do his bidding. SpongeBob and Sandy were watching a horror movie about something similar and think it's coming true when they find out. They must figure out who did this or their lives and the krabby patty formula will be at stake.

161- Lollipop Land (Thanks to Spongeykid): Patrick buys a lot of lollipops and makes his own secret castle made entirely out of... lollipops! Patrick gets lost inside so it's now up to SpongeBob to save him.
Brick’s Plot For Lollipop Land: SpongeBob and Patrick end up in a land full of candy which is a dream world they find a portal to in Squidward's yard, and they have fun eating sweets until Patrick finds a castle made of lollipops, which he takes over until he gets lost in it! SpongeBob comes to save him, but the only problem is that he's drunk on chocolate milk.

162 - The After Party: SpongeBob, Patrick, Sandy and Squidward celebrate SpongeBob's birthday at Bass Vegas. Turns out they partied too hard. Patrick, Sandy and Squidward wake up the next day with no recollection of the party, and find out that SpongeBob is missing. They must search for him in the gigantic city of Bass Vegas. This is the SpongeBob version of the movie The Hangover. Of course it won't be accurate. For example, the four party hard by eating too much ice cream and wake up with an intense brain freeze.
163 - Krusty Mart: Mr. Krabs decides to make a supermarket in an effort to make more money. The problem is that every item he's selling is made of Krabby Patties, even shampoo and baby powder.

164 - Opera Disaster!: Bikini Bottom holds auditions for an opera. Squilliam and Squidward battle for the main role. Patrick gets stage hand and SpongeBob, Sandy, Pearl and Mr. Krabs get major characters. This will involve Squidward trying to sabotage Squilliam, Patrick continuously asking the director what to do, Sandy trying to bring Texan elements in the performance, Pearl trying to outshine Sandy, and Mr. Krabs trying to get the director to sell Krabby Patties at the door.
165 - The Ultimate Game: Extreme Sandy returns in a simple daring game she, SpongeBob and Patrick participate in: a game where if they fail to do a challenge, they must drink raw sea horse radish. I got this idea based off a live stream I saw last night. Gonna say I cried laughing so hard.

166- ^ best day ever: SpongeBob celebrates the anniversary of the day he and Patrick met Sandy by taking both of them out for a day of fun. The only problem is is that SpongeBob seems to be the only one enjoying any of the activities!

167 - Meet the Parents: SpongeBob's parents spend the weekend at SpongeBob's place. They then witness his daily routine and his friends. They grow annoyed at Patrick, suspicious of Squidward, complain about the poor conditions of the Krusty Krab, and assume Sandy is SpongeBob's girlfriend (if only...).
168 - That Varmint From Vermont (Name likely to change): Another squirrel moves to Bikini Bottom, and Sandy takes a liking to him, making SpongeBob jealous. Little do they know that this is another of Plankton's schemes to break their friendship allowing him an easier bet on the krabby patty formula.

169- Shark Shark (Thanks to Grubby Grouper): A gang of sharks invade bikini bottom, plankton uses them to try to steal the formula, and its up to spongebob to stop them

170- Squidward's Shirt (Thanks to SpongeyKid): After SpongeBob finds one of Squidward's shirts on the floor, he knocks on Squidward's door to try and return it but no one answers. SpongeBob then proceeds to put the shirt on. Once Squidward sees him, he lets SpongeBob keep it because in his words, its already been "spongified". SpongeBob becomes attached to it and it causes mayhem around Bikini Bottom.

171- Squilliam's House Of Wax! (Thanks to Growlie) Squilliam makes a wax dummy of himself, [like Squidward in Squidward The Unfriendly Ghost!]
which comes to life one night. The wax Squilliam dummy then believes later on that he's the real Squilliam so the real Squilliam himself
has to put a stop to it.

172- The Price Is Wrong: Patrick goes on that game show where there's the 3 doors and stuff, you know. Sandy urges him to pick door 1- science supplies. SpongeBob urges him to pick door 2- Jellyfishing supplies. He gives it all up for door number 3... a lifetime supply of purple glitter glue.

173- Squidward & The Beanstalk! (Thanks To Growlie) After reading the book, Jack & The Beanstalk, Squidward dreams the exact same story in the book and meets a huge giant. Squidward recognizes the giant as his archrival, Squilliam, but the giant thinks Squidward is Jack.

174- Mini Squid! (Thanks To Growlie) Squidward has one heck of an adventure when he's shrunken down to a tiny size, while his archenemy is in the same room. Hopefully Squidward can survive more then just Wumbo, as Squilliam is having to much fun with his tiny Squiddy!
175 - Sandy's Restaurant: Wanting to spread her Texan culture, Sandy decides to open up her own Texas-themed restaurant, which sells Texan food with Texan drinks. Her restaurant gains many willing customers. She begs SpongeBob to join her and work with her. Mr. Krabs sees this as a threat to his restaurant and tries to ruin Sandy's business and reputation. SpongeBob feels conflicted on whether to join Sandy or stay with Mr. Krabs. Plankton sees this and tries to ruin Sandy's restaurant by stealing Sandy's recipes. Think of this as a mix between Best Frenemies, Patty Hype, and The Other Patty.

176. Lump Sum (Thanks to Grubby Grouper): Spongebob wins the lottery, and as he and Patrick spend the money on toys and nick-nacks, Mr. Krabs tries to make a trade with Spongebob for the money, until he offers the krusty krab. When spongebob then owns the KK, Plankton uses Spongebob's stupidity to steal the recipe from him. Then the only way for Mr Krabs to get the formula back is to pay him the money from the lottery. A mix between The Paper and Porous Pockets.

177. Library Card (Thanks to Grubby Grouper): The new Bikini Bottom Library opens up and SB and Pat get library cards. They let the power of the cards go to their heads, rent all the books and try to rule the library. That gets them banned from the library and they loose their cards.

178. Spongebob's new Boat (Thanks to Grubby Grouper): Theres a new boatmobile model out, and spongebob would do anything for it, so his parents offer it as motivation for him to get his license. That was all he needed and he passes the driving test. After he tries the boat out, it turns out to have a mind of its own and causes trouble all over town, and SB ends up getting his license revoked. A mix of driven to tears, evil spatula, and no free rides

179 - Rabies!: Sandy's greatest fear is rabies. She tells SpongeBob so. After coming back from a quick family visit to Texas, she discovers a bite on her neck. She fears the worst and isolates herself in her treedome. SpongeBob manages to get in, but notices her change. She begs for his help to find a cure before she turns rabid, which is deadly. This. Is. Dark.
180- DYNAMITE! (Thanks to Award) Plankton repeatedly uses explosives to destroy all restaurants around town so people would try his new food. It works and people love his food. When his own restaurant blows up because of Mr. Krabs being an idiot, everyone starves and hunts for food. Meanwhile Gary and Squidward play against Squilliam and his friend's pet snail in a race on a cruise. (best combined time wins)
181- Investment Krabs (Thanks to Ohad): Mr. Krabs learns about economy through a movie, and gets excited about the possibility of earning more money though investment. He closes the Krusty Krab and moves on. Eventually, he fails and loses a lot of money because of his bad choices, and he understands that the KK is a better, more stable source of money.
182 - Squilliam's Movie: Squilliam decides to make an autobiographical film of himself. He focuses a lot on humiliating Squidward, so he hires SpongeBob, Patrick, Sandy, Mr. Krabs, Plankton, and all others that make Squidward miserable. They all take roles in hopes for attention, but their optimism fades during shooting because Squilliam keeps humiliating/insulting them. Squidward tries to sabotage Squilliam's script to make it his own.
183- The Contract (Thanks to SpongeyKid): Squidward is offered a once in a life time contract giving him a record deal and living in a mansion away from Sponge and Pat, fame, fortune etc. Once he signs it, he realized that he misses his old life and now he's on a mission to rip the contract and try to get him out of it.
184 - What I Once Was (Movie) (My next fanfic): This will be the longer, more intense expansion from my old episode idea Sandy the Secret Squirrel Spy. Sandy was a spy before becoming a scientist. She was regarded as one of their best. She soon discovered her spy group's secret, a secret that would have taken away her free will, and turning her into a murderer. She left, but not subtly. She had to fight cruelly and quickly. Her boss vowed revenge. He plotted to find her and personally recruit her again, whether she wanted to or not. SpongeBob would soon find out, and trouble will only get worse from there. No romantic Spandy, but this is going to be just them. The other main characters have little to no role, unfortunately.
These are a lot of ideas, I appreciate your effort at coming up with all of these.

Although an episode about rabies is inappropriate in any level.
I didn't come up with all of these. I only came up with the Green ones. Boss came up with the Orange ones.
BrickSponge2015 said:
I didn't come up with all of these. I only came up with the Green ones. Boss came up with the Orange ones.
That means good work on everyone who came up with all of these! :)
I think I'll start to review all of the episode ideas here by order. They're all pretty great, I'll just mention anything that I think needs to be improved.

1. Changing her Image- Oh my, Spandy shipping on the FIRST episode? O.o You really took the short path in this, Boss.
Pretty good idea, though! I remember something similar happening to Sam on iCarly, I think.
A good ending would be Patricia replacing Sandy or anything similar (and saying to Spongebob "hey, boy" with a naughty look)- I don't know, I just find it random and funny.
2. Showing her around- Too bad this can't be put in the show, because it's too late for that (it's been 15 years and 9 seasons). I really like the concept of a tour episode. Maybe it can be turned into a memory episode, where Sandy sits with Spongebob and they remember the time he gave her a tour? You know, with pictures and all kinds of stuff.
3. Sandy's Past- Ehhh.. Honestly, I'm not a big fan of combining school concepts in cartoons. The Bully did it well, because of how easy everything was taking, and Flatts was more of a flat character (haha! Get it? a Flatts character!) instead of a real, harming bully. Can't see this really working out in a show like Spongebob.
4. The Jellyfish Tournament- Not much to say, but I like it. I hope that people will be happy with the post-movie version of Kevin, though (as a lot of fans don't really like Bubble Buddy Returns as a direct sequel).
5. Sandy's Birthday Surprise- cough cough Valentine's Day? It has similar elements. Oh, and a lot of shows have that episode when a character thinks everyone forgot his/her birthday, but then they surprise him/her. Perhaps something more unique for her birthday, like a rodeo race?
6. Undersea Olympics- I don't see the big difference between this and The Fry Cook Olympics- Both also have Mr. Krabs as the couch.
7. Project Eliminate Spongebob- Oh, man, you have no idea how much I like time travel. Really cool idea (and awesome name). Maybe instead of Spongebuck, Plankton could kidnapp different ancestors of Spongebob over the timeline (like the ones from SB-129, or some characters from Dunces and Dragons)? This could be made into one of the best specials of the entire show.
8. Save Santa- Nothing too special with the "saving santa" plot. It's workable, but needs more unique elements.
9. GuitarBob RockPants- Hey, Spongebob could play the guitar like he did in the movie! That would be awesome.
10. Temporary Best Friend- I like the interactions between Patrick and Sandy in the series- she'll most likely be annoyed out of his stupidity in the episode. Sandy teaching Patrick karate would break continuity, though (Karate Star).
11. The Intern- Not bad, but why would Spongebob need a backup fry cook?
12. Kid Cheeks- I'm neutral about this. If they won't make kid Sandy too annoying, it will have potential.
13. Robo-Cheeks- It reminds me of an episode in season 7 that no one of us would like to remember. Hint: "Look! A naked chipmunk!"
14. Sister Mandy- Not bad. How it would end, though? Would it end with Mandy returning to her home place, and somehow Sandy realizing she's a better
15. Girls Night Out- Woah, Pearl had a boyfriend? Anyway, it sounds okay, but I hope it'll be different from The Slumber Party, and that Krabs won't be too cheap and will actually care for his daughter in this episode.
16. Battle For Bikini Bottom- I don't know what's the game about, so I can't tell you if I like it. The name has to be changed, though, as there's already an episode named "Battle of Bikini Bottom".
17. Gone 2- It seems like a combination between Whobob Whatpants and Pre-Hibernation Week (the latter being MUCH better). It could work, but the name has to be different- "Gone 2" sounds too much of a ripoff.
18. The Jinx- Heh, that sounds amusing. I'll need to see the fanfic to see how it developes, though.
19. The Talent Show- Culture Shock+Krabby Road=This. (Maybe also Hello BIkini Bottom? I don't know, haven't seen it yet.)
20. From Hero to Legend- Okay, I'll need to review the story again to give my opinion on it. But, I can safely say it's easily one of the best ideas I've ever read. The review I'll make would be relatively long, don't worry.

More coming soon.
I think most of these are very creative, although there are probably too many Sandy ones (it's pretty unbalanced). Still, I like most of these.
Award said:
You could take a break though. I mean give the other characters a chance so you have more realistic and variable stories.
I'll try, but Sandy and SpongeBob are the only ones I'm good at. I can't think of any ideas for Mr. Krabs without the Krusty Krab, Squidward without him getting annoyed by SpongeBob and Patrick, Plankton without mentioning the formula, etc. Also, I've always felt that Sandy's underrated and gets unjustified hate due to her lack of use and that the writers aren't using her to her full potential, so here I am. :P

Ohad said:
I think I'll start to review all of the episode ideas here by order. They're all pretty great, I'll just mention anything that I think needs to be improved.

1. Changing her Image- Oh my, Spandy shipping on the FIRST episode? o.o You really took the short path in this, Boss.
Pretty good idea, though! I remember something similar happening to Sam on iCarly, I think.
A good ending would be Patricia replacing Sandy or anything similar (and saying to Spongebob "hey, boy" with a naughty look)- I don't know, I just find it random and funny.
2. Showing her around- Too bad this can't be put in the show, because it's too late for that (it's been 15 years and 9 seasons). I really like the concept of a tour episode. Maybe it can be turned into a memory episode, where Sandy sits with Spongebob and they remember the time he gave her a tour? You know, with pictures and all kinds of stuff.
3. Sandy's Past- Ehhh.. Honestly, I'm not a big fan of combining school concepts in cartoons. The Bully did it well, because of how easy everything was taking, and Flatts was more of a flat character (haha! Get it? a Flatts character!) instead of a real, harming bully. Can't see this really working out in a show like Spongebob.
4. The Jellyfish Tournament- Not much to say, but I like it. I hope that people will be happy with the post-movie version of Kevin, though (as a lot of fans don't really like Bubble Buddy Returns as a direct sequel).
5. Sandy's Birthday Surprise- cough cough Valentine's Day? It has similar elements. Oh, and a lot of shows have that episode when a character thinks everyone forgot his/her birthday, but then they surprise him/her. Perhaps something more unique for her birthday, like a rodeo race?
6. Undersea Olympics- I don't see the big difference between this and The Fry Cook Olympics- Both also have Mr. Krabs as the couch.
7. Project Eliminate Spongebob- Oh, man, you have no idea how much I like time travel. Really cool idea (and awesome name). Maybe instead of Spongebuck, Plankton could kidnapp different ancestors of Spongebob over the timeline (like the ones from SB-129, or some characters from Dunces and Dragons)? This could be made into one of the best specials of the entire show.
8. Save Santa- Nothing too special with the "saving santa" plot. It's workable, but needs more unique elements.
9. GuitarBob RockPants- Hey, Spongebob could play the guitar like he did in the movie! That would be awesome.
10. Temporary Best Friend- I like the interactions between Patrick and Sandy in the series- she'll most likely be annoyed out of his stupidity in the episode. Sandy teaching Patrick karate would break continuity, though (Karate Star).
11. The Intern- Not bad, but why would Spongebob need a backup fry cook?
12. Kid Cheeks- I'm neutral about this. If they won't make kid Sandy too annoying, it will have potential.
13. Robo-Cheeks- It reminds me of an episode in season 7 that no one of us would like to remember. Hint: "Look! A naked chipmunk!"
14. Sister Mandy- Not bad. How it would end, though? Would it end with Mandy returning to her home place, and somehow Sandy realizing she's a better
15. Girls Night Out- Woah, Pearl had a boyfriend? Anyway, it sounds okay, but I hope it'll be different from The Slumber Party, and that Krabs won't be too cheap and will actually care for his daughter in this episode.
16. Battle For Bikini Bottom- I don't know what's the game about, so I can't tell you if I like it. The name has to be changed, though, as there's already an episode named "Battle of Bikini Bottom".
17. Gone 2- It seems like a combination between Whobob Whatpants and Pre-Hibernation Week (the latter being MUCH better). It could work, but the name has to be different- "Gone 2" sounds too much of a ripoff.
18. The Jinx- Heh, that sounds amusing. I'll need to see the fanfic to see how it developes, though.
19. The Talent Show- Culture Shock+Krabby Road=This. (Maybe also Hello BIkini Bottom? I don't know, haven't seen it yet.)
20. From Hero to Legend- Okay, I'll need to review the story again to give my opinion on it. But, I can safely say it's easily one of the best ideas I've ever read. The review I'll make would be relatively long, don't worry.

More coming soon.
Good feedback. I'll keep your thoughts in mind. Also, I find episodes as sources of inspiration rather than me just ripping them off. I hope you enjoy my constant Sandy episodes.. :P

Ohad said:
20. From Hero to Legend- Okay, I'll need to review the story again to give my opinion on it. But, I can safely say it's easily one of the best ideas I've ever read. The review I'll make would be relatively long, don't worry.
Also, I edited the story far after I posted on SBM. I included little scenes, deleted some unappealing descriptions, removed the word 'said' in many cases to add some form of professionalism, etc. The current version is on Google Docs. Keep in mind, I'm still contemplating on whether to add that PatrickxMindy scene.

Link to story on Docs:
Okay, to anyone who read From Hero To Legend, who wants to see a sequel? Of course (somewhat unfortunately) it WILL have Spandy because it takes place after my story. I may also make small fanfics of events between the last chapter and the epilogue of my story, which will also have Spandy. Yeah, I'm aware Spandy is not what most of you guys want, but keep in mind that these events/potential sequel take place right after the story or between the last chapter and the epilogue.

Nonetheless, I'll be thinking of more ideas in time, and along with the ideas, I'll show a little scene/sneak peek of the idea. I may also add small scenes of past ideas. Stay tuned for those. :)
Am I the only one here?

Nah, just kidding.
Well, here's the planned sequel for From Hero To Legend.

185 - From Legend To God (Possible next fanfic): Takes place one year after the epilogue of From Hero To Legend. A new force threatens the sea. SpongeBob, Patrick, Sandy, Squidward, Mr. Krabs, and Mindy all must work together to take on an enemy unlike anything any life form has ever faced. Problems rise for the group, such as: Sandy's reluctance to join the cause due to both her overprotectiveness for SpongeBob and her post-traumatic stress from the events of From Hero To Legend, the choosing of the leader of the group, a virtually invincible and immortal army pinned against the group, and the safety of Sienna and Junior. This fic will of course have Spandy (I swear I'm starting to become a full-on shipper at this point.. but I stand by my belief that the love should be saved for the show's finale, and that I won't be too bothered if it never happens because the ship will live on in my fanfics and in my mind). Also, unfortunately I'm not as well-planned for this fic as I was for From Hero To Legend, and I'm still on the fence on even making this fanfic. Some of you guys don't want me to while others may want me to write this. In time, I'll have a full plot ready and will develop it enough so the story could work. :thumbsup:
BrickSponge2015 said:
15 - Girls Night Out: Mr. Krabs forces Sandy to hang out with Pearl and her friends for a day so Pearl can feel better from her recent break-up. This is technically a Pearl/Sandy duo episode.
I like this.

I like this a lot.

I've been wanting to have an episode where these 2 are together. They would make the classic "Dumb Blonde & Brainy Brunnette" chemistry which I always fancy.