Who is the French Narrator..? And other human stuff.


I love SBM
Nov 25, 2011
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"Hur hur it's Tom Kenny."

What I mean is whether you doubt it or not, he's more than a disembodied voice. In No Free Rides, we clearly see half of his diver suit body. I know it's suppose to be a gag where the French Narrator being an actual person shocks us all. I never thought about the French Narrator physically being there in most of the episodes until watching his narrations in Revenge of the Flying Dutchman. I understand he's suppose to be based off of Stephen Hillenburg's oceanographer idol. I know the narrator is just someone observing sea creatures...

Or is he?

Over the years, he's gotten to know the names of the SpongeBob characters, places and etc. He knew about SpongeBob even before we did! (Help Wanted.) He regularly announced time lines in the series. I mean, how can you go almost 15 years of stalking the same sea creatures? Is the French narrator even doing all this for science? Is he even a scientist? If not, who is he? Why does he seem so interested in SpongeBob? Is he really psychically in every episode? Why was he about the same size as fish in No Free Rides? (I'mma make another topic about that, actually no I'm too lazy. I'll sum it up right now.)

Ahem. This is the shrinking theory.

Okay. So you know how in the ocean land creatures seem to have shrunk to the same size of SpongeBob and friends? Let's see some examples. Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy. *insert shrinking for years joke here* How can two actual humans be the size of other fish? Or that imported diver? Or the French Narrator? Or Kenny the Cat? I know there's no conclusion to this pondering question, but they all have that one thing in common. And THAT is something to think about.

And could he be the "imported music" piano guy in Krusty Love, trying to stalk the life of SpongeBob's friends even longer?

"Cha go to sleep you clearly need to hug your Guano plushie and rest for a while..."
Cha go to sleep you clearly need to hug your Guano plushie and rest for a while

This is an interesting theory you got here... maybe him and SpongeBob go out for a coffee after he's done with work and they get to know each other. Maybe the French Narrator is a wanted maniac from land so he swimmed to the bottom of the sea and starting stalking sea creatures, but I'm getting too dark here. :shiftyninja:
Maybe SpongeBob narrates HIS show on an undersea channel! After all, we don't see the characters all the time, and we have seen channels on the undersea televisions... Maybe they have a deal going with each other!
I wasn't aware that Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy were humans, honestly. I mean, they don't need to breathe air (Superman isn't human), and so on. I always figured they were some sort of humanoid sea creatures (er, so 'mythological' type sea creatures, not based on real sea creatures).

As for the French Narrator, well... no idea there, honestly. I must've missed the episodes where he's seen as a diver or whatever - or I've just forgotten them, which is also possible..
I wasn't aware that Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy were humans, honestly. I mean, they don't need to breathe air (Superman isn't human), and so on. I always figured they were some sort of humanoid sea creatures (er, so 'mythological' type sea creatures, not based on real sea creatures).

As for the French Narrator, well... no idea there, honestly. I must've missed the episodes where he's seen as a diver or whatever - or I've just forgotten them, which is also possible..

No Free Rides :)

spacepirate said:
I thought it was supposed to be a spoof on
Jac Cousteau's marine life documentaries.
Yeah that's what I meant by Stephen Hillenburg's idol.
CowBob RanchPants said:

No Free Rides :)

Yeah that's what I meant by Stephen Hillenburg's idol.
Ohh, okay, that's pretty cool! I'm certain I've seen the episode, but perhaps not. 'Cause I totally don't remember a scene like that.
Thank you fo sharing that and enlightening me.
PinheadLarry said:
Lets compare the french narrator with the imported piano guy

Oh my god! They are both Tom Kenny :p!
Hur hur It's Tom Kenny.

But seriously, this is one of the best theory I've ever heard. Nice thinking :peace:
Are Hans and the French narrators voices really different enough that it couldn't be the same person? Think about it. They both have exotic accents and it never gives the French narrators name, and for all we know it could be the same person stalking sea creatures
But then again we seen scenes like (Model Sponge is it?) where Hans is going to the bathroom... So it's kind of hard to imagine that the French narrator making his hand/arm go potty. xD
Maybe the French Narrator is Patchy (same voice actor hur hur). But then again Patchy wishes he could come that close to contact with SpongeBob and friends.
CowBob RanchPants said:
Maybe the French Narrator is Patchy (same voice actor hur hur). But then again Patchy wishes he could come that close to contact with SpongeBob and friends.
i don't want to get too deep, so I'll make this short. What if the entire show exists in patchy's mind and he put himself in bikini bottom not once or twice but three times as patchy, french narrator, and spongebob
Oh, idk if its related, but wasn't there a scene in Truth or Square where the mains (minus Sandy maybe) were in a TV control room and they saw themselves on one of the TVs? And then there was a group of fish with recording equipment, who then ran away once noticed?

SpongeyKid said:
Hur hur It's Tom Kenny.

But seriously, this is one of the best theory I've ever heard. Nice thinking :peace:
oh mY GOD i clicked the spoiler and had a spam-ad pop up right after XD