Anyone else ship SpongeBob/Squidward - even a lil' bit? LOL! If not, hear me out.

Pyreflies of MJ

Imitation Krab
Feb 23, 2014
Okay, so like, I have seemingly blossomed a newfound obsession with the SpongeBob series within the last week or so. I've always enjoyed the show, but I hadn't watched it or been interested in it for a few years until just recently.

And one thing I've noticed (and like) about it that I hadn't realized before is the amount of gay subtext so wittingly sprinkled throughout. Seriously, the ho yay is immense. While some of it may be subjective, there are scenes and quotes that are quite obvious. In some cases, overtly and not surreptitiously. (Tee hee, I made a funny - don't hate me 'cause I'm cheesy.) For a pretty thorough list of examples, just check out the tvtropes page.

Let me be clear in saying that I don't exactly support the idea of SpongeBob being in a serious relationship with any character because as others have said - it would seemingly defeat the purpose of the show. I totally support the concept of him being asexual and I do not wish to destroy his perpetual innocence - I am actually an aromantic asexual myself and I appreciate that the creators haven't sought to pair Sponge up with someone, it's immensely refreshing.

However, it really seems like Sponge is the romantic kind of asexual considering that he's spoken of marriage before, and I suppose dating, though he was really just being a nutter with the whole patty thing. (Just an FYI, the definition of asexuality is just that one is not sexually attracted to another person - it does not necessarily preclude one of romantic feelings, or even a sex drive.)

In fact, he's so sentimental that it seems highly likely that he has or could harbor romantic feelings for someone. If I were to put an official label on Sponge, I'd say he's biromantic asexual - meaning that he's not sexually attracted to either gender, but romantically attracted to both. (even if he doesn't exactly realize it)

Spandy shippers would say there's evidence he has a crush on Sandy. And I would say that his hellacious boyman crush on Squidward is also undeniable. And while SpongeBob loves all his friends, the most creepy stalkerish things SpongeBob does tend to involve Squiddy.

Some would also argue that there's a Sponge/Patrick thing going on, and while there is quite a bit of gay surrounding the duo, I feel like it's more of a creepy brothers who shower together/platonic life partner thing.

I personally find the ho yay surrounding Patrick and SpongeBob to be hilarious and the ho yay surrounding Squidward and SpongeBob to be both hilarious and cute. I know it squicks a lot of fans out, but I think it all adds to the charm of SpongeBob to me and I support more of what some fans deem to be controversial scenes. And even not thinking about it with a gay agenda romantic slant, I just adore the bromance and hope for more of it in the coming season and movie.

SpongeBob is such a girl....and a child and a man and a boymanchild - I love it. He's so androgynous and I'm rather obsessed with androgyny.

Um, thoughts? xD I couldn't help myself with this post, I really couldn't. I also couldn't help putting the text in rainbow (hur hur, I'm so clever)...I'm sorry, LOL! (if you find zeh colors hard to read/annoying, please tell me and I shall change it)

I support the LGBT community wholeheartedly and I admire that this series isn't afraid to push "boundaries" a little. After learning about the hell North Koreans face, (a place the UN recently declared as paralleling Nazi Germany, the scale and nature of human rights violations unmatched in the modern world - the people have no freedoms and concentration camps are torturing slaves as I type this) I've realized just how happy and lucky I am to be a member of one of the most free and tolerant nations in the world - yet amazingly - we still harbor hangups.

SpongeBob aside, the people who honestly think that a child's cartoon with a gay character would be synonymous with damaging propaganda are just stupid and apparently have no idea what actual propaganda is. It really makes me laugh.

Anyway, sheesh, didn't mean to subvert this post into darkness. This is meant to be a light topic, so lemme try this again -

Thoughts on ho yay, SpongeGay, par-tay? ;]
Aug 24, 2013
I don't really ship SpongeBob and Squidward, they are like brothers to me more than a couple but I do like the chemistry between SpongeBob and Squidward in pre-movie and a few post-movie episodes like Hello Bikini Bottom only. Just like what HPL said, SpongeBob is like Squidward's annoying brother but no matter how SpongeBob annoys Squidward, he really likes SpongeBob and can't live without him. SpongeBob is not just a annoying neighbor either. He is really nice to Squidward and he done lots of good things to Squidward in some episodes like Band Geeks, Love That Squid, Enchanted Tiki Dreams, etc. That's what I really like about SpongeBob's and Squidward's relationship.


Jaehee is Baehee
Jun 8, 2013
I'll always be a Spandy shipper, but it's undeniable that there are... hints that point to SquidBob as well. I'm pretty much indifferent to SquidBob. I personally like the SpongeBob and Squidward relationship better when it's platonic, but I'm not against a romantic relationship between them necessarily. I like the idea of them more than I like the idea of most other ships, at least, but I wouldn't say that I ship them.

DadMom AngryPants

Hi, I'm normal.
Nov 24, 2009
I don't ship SpongeBob with anybody, because it would go against his character, but I actually find this ship much more tolerable than SpongeBob/Sandy. I think it's because everybody knows and acknowledges that it's a crack ship so I find it amusing more than anything else, whereas with Spandy people genuinely believe they're in love with each other which frustrates me.

The relationship between SpongeBob and Squidward is by far my favourite in the show, but it's definitely an irritated big brother/unintentionally irritating little brother dynamic. "Pizza Delivery" illustrates this very well: Squidward spends almost the entire episode frustrated by SpongeBob but instinctively comes to the rescue when the customer makes SpongeBob cry.

I know a lot of people hate the "I LIKE SQUIDWARD" stuff, but it's not meant to be taken as a sign that SpongeBob literally likes Squidward in that way, so I mostly find it funny because of how camp and over-the-top they make it sometimes.

Aug 24, 2013
DadMom AngryPants said:
I don't ship SpongeBob with anybody, because it would go against his character, but I actually find this ship much more tolerable than SpongeBob/Sandy. I think it's because everybody knows and acknowledges that it's a crack ship so I find it amusing more than anything else, whereas with Spandy people genuinely believe they're in love with each other which frustrates me.

The relationship between SpongeBob and Squidward is by far my favourite in the show, but it's definitely an irritated big brother/unintentionally irritating little brother dynamic. "Pizza Delivery" illustrates this very well: Squidward spends almost the entire episode frustrated by SpongeBob but instinctively comes to the rescue when the customer makes SpongeBob cry.

I know a lot of people hate the "I LIKE SQUIDWARD" stuff, but it's not meant to be taken as a sign that SpongeBob literally likes Squidward in that way, so I mostly find it funny because of how camp and over-the-top they make it sometimes.

I actually laughed at that quote.
Oct 10, 2011
Horseheads, NY
I'm kind of sick of people (not you) using SB saying he likes Squidward as defense that he's gay.

I like friends of mine that are male, but that doesn't mean I'm gay. I also played "Take care of the child" when I was younger with another male, but that didn't make either of us gay. (Well, I can't use this argument with myself really so let's use my friend :P )


Mar 16, 2013
Well, they did have a baby together.

That One Random Boss

Mascot of the Real Nep
Oct 27, 2013
Like others have already stated, SpongeBob and Squidward share a brotherly relationship.

Also, SpongeBob is a childish adult. Children do not show hormones or romantic thoughts, and childish adults tend to easily put away these thoughts. This applies to every SpongeBob ship. SpongeBob is too childish and immature to get in a serious relationship within the show's timeline.

I see Squidward and SpongeBob as a brotherly friendship on both sides (moreso in SpongeBob but deep down for Squidward). It's quite ideal in a sense that hate never truly lasts. I really don't think romance is the case at all. I actually feel the same way for Spandy. I SUPPORT Spandy, but does that mean I want them to be together? No. Does that mean they WILL be together? No. Does that mean they SHOULD be together? No! I just think it's cute and based on their friendship status and chemistry, they have POTENTIAL to evolve into a romantic relationship. See the word POTENTIAL? That means they CAN. That's the reality of the situation. I focus more on friendship than romance for the show. This is the case for both Spandy and SquidBob.

I like the dynamic between SpongeBob and Squidward. It's one of my favorite dynamics on the show next to SpongeBob and Sandy and Mr. Krabs and Plankton. The way Squidward deeply cares and appreciates SpongeBob is sweet, especially in such episodes as Dying For Pie and A Christmas Who?. That's why it pains me when I see Squidward's performances lately. He's been so angry, depressed, and remorseless in recent seasons. Such episodes as Are You Happy Now?, Whatever Happened To SpongeBob?, Gone, Little Yellow Book, and Sponge-Cano! are examples of Squidward showing nothing but utter hatred of SpongeBob to the point he's never happy. SpongeBob's determination to make Squidward his friend is also sweet. It's the mentality that he just wants Squidward to look at the bright side and be his friend.


Baseball. Hockey. SBM vet. I drop in unexpectedly.
Feb 15, 2009
L.A. or Boston: Your Choice.
DadMom AngryPants said:
I know a lot of people hate the "I LIKE SQUIDWARD" stuff, but it's not meant to be taken as a sign that SpongeBob literally likes Squidward in that way, so I mostly find it funny because of how camp and over-the-top they make it sometimes.
Which is a sign of how downhill the show has gone recently, because it used to be that they didn't have to overuse that joke in that way. As a matter of fact, the majority of the so-called "hints" seem to be in post-movie episodes. I still believe this ship would have had a basis even in pre-movie episodes, but the post-movie ones have provided that much more ammo for those who believe that it exists.

Popeyes Haunted Barnacles

Sir Tweets and Eats a Lot
Dec 25, 2013
Stupidtown, Wumbo
RedSoxFan274 said:
Which is a sign of how downhill the show has gone recently, because it used to be that they didn't have to overuse that joke in that way. As a matter of fact, the majority of the so-called "hints" seem to be in post-movie episodes. I still believe this ship would have had a basis even in pre-movie episodes, but the post-movie ones have provided that much more ammo for those who believe that it exists.
"Boating Buddies" should have been never been made. That episode is full of those creepy, suggestive jokes and basically any other episode in those two seasons where SpongeBob's characterized as the so-called "cubic creeper" for whatever reason. I can also see how they went too far in eps like "Sponge Cano" also suck for overexaggerating that Squidward doesn't like SpongeBob a lot.


Dec 22, 2013
Isn't it cute!

Anyway, lemme see here, what I think about them? Is.... yeah... well, there are a few things that kinda give you the idea the SpongeBob harbours a secret crush on Squiddy. I remember something about SB going "He's so handsome..." or something like that. So, yes, I can kinda see it.

Aaaand, I'm a really bad slash-fan, and, secretly, find the idea kinda fun... I don't think I'd write or draw it, myself, and it's not actually in my headcanon because I can't see Squidward actually returning those feelings for SB.... Oh, and I am so not into MPreg... but simply slash between the two, it's sorta fun to play with the idea.
Oct 10, 2011
Horseheads, NY
RedSoxFan274 said:
Which is a sign of how downhill the show has gone recently, because it used to be that they didn't have to overuse that joke in that way. As a matter of fact, the majority of the so-called "hints" seem to be in post-movie episodes. I still believe this ship would have had a basis even in pre-movie episodes, but the post-movie ones have provided that much more ammo for those who believe that it exists.
I personally thought all the gay hints in Rock-a-Bye (I don't even remember how to spell the whole episode :P ) enhanced it, but I'm just a sucker for random jokes. :|


I love SBM
Nov 25, 2011
You made a really well written response and I commend you for it.

Ever since I joined the vast, SB fandom back in 2011 I've been aware of SquidBob. It's quite surprising how it's gone from non-existent in pre (to my knowledge) to very common among SpongeBobbies today. (Heh, I remember when PatBob was still a thing with the infamous conversional classics such as Rock-a-By Bivalve and The Frycook Games. I don't mind PatBob fans as long as people aren't using this term as an insult.) So just like PatBob, SquidBob rose from other conversional episodes between SB & Squidward such as Squid's Visit & etc s6. But why?

I remember saying this in the past, quoted from a SB episode analyzer on YouTube? (Don't remember exactly who.) SpongeBob just as many of the characters suffer from now, went overboard on his annoyance and stalker levels to Squidward in recent season episodes. Just like Sandy suffers from being a scientist more than her other traits, Patrick becoming more dumb, Krabs' lust for money controlling all his personality now and etc. I really don't find SquidBob appealing because what about the older episodes? No one ever applied or thought they were in a relationship there. (Can You Spare a Dime is an example, but I truly believe people didn't start connecting SquidBob with it until S6.) Though, you really do see SpongeBob happily cuddling, kissing him on the forehead (twice I've counted :p), grabbing hands or hugging the big ol' octopus throughout the entire series. I don't deny any of that.

And it's not just with SquidBob, any relationship involving the little square dude is no bueno for me personally. Time to repeat everyone on this thread. SpongeBob has always considered Squidward as a big brother, someone he looks up to like Mr. Krabs. Yeah, he's been called asexual many times in the past. Yet harbors his quote on quote "crush" (I say this because it's never been fully explained on the series) on Sandy in the Survival Book and implied in SB's Secret Valentine. Because yeah, being asexual doesn't limit your romantic feelings. SquidBob, though still rests in my head as a brother/little brother relationship. Overall, I gotta admit, the whole SquidBob thing can be pretty hilarious at times even if I'm not an actual fan.

Go get 'em you crazy manchild.



SBMers: :patboo:

Pyreflies of MJ

Imitation Krab
Feb 23, 2014
Doowopasaurus said:
Anything's better than Mermacle Moy.

HarryPotterLives said:
Oh dear God, that ship... *barfs*

ACK! That one is definitely yucky, no bueno! :nono:

I must say that I'm quite pleasantly surprised by the responses. I think I'm just used to posting on boards full of ***holes, unfortunately, lol. Sorry for the muteness guys, I kind of got majorly distracted and slept on this thread but my inner Spongey-fan has been revived.

Squidina said:
Isn't it cute!

Anyway, lemme see here, what I think about them? Is.... yeah... well, there are a few things that kinda give you the idea the SpongeBob harbours a secret crush on Squiddy. I remember something about SB going "He's so handsome..." or something like that. So, yes, I can kinda see it.

Aaaand, I'm a really bad slash-fan, and, secretly, find the idea kinda fun... I don't think I'd write or draw it, myself, and it's not actually in my headcanon because I can't see Squidward actually returning those feelings for SB.... Oh, and I am so not into MPreg... but simply slash between the two, it's sorta fun to play with the idea.
You know, I've only semi-recently become a slash fan (and it seems like a growing obsession, lol) and I only have a handful of pairings that I ship and I feel like they're all rather unpopular, but should be more popular. Whereas the truly cracked out pairings that make no sense and have no canonical context whatsoever are everywhere, and I don't get it, lol.

I'm with ya on mpreg. Just in general, the idea seems horribly bad, though I can think of a good exception where it'd actually kinda make sense and yet it's still never executed properly. I hesitate to go there on this thread though because it's rather off topic and uh, I don't know how many people here would relate, lol.

But yes, I think Squid/Sponge interaction is SO cute! As others have said, it's a shame that Squidward is being written as SO mean lately. I've recently watched through almost all the newer seasons ( I still haven't seen some of 9) and there are a few moments where Squid isn't so bad and he even seems sympathetic and condoning of SpongeBob, but often I'm either frustrated because he's treated badly or because he's so excessively mean-spirited.