Do you miss any of your Misplaced Spongebob Merchandise?


Floating Shopping List
Dec 11, 2013
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Highland, Michigan
Does anyone have any stuff From Spongebob that you Used to have, but you Misplaced it. :( Mine was A Spongebob pillow I had when I was little, and I had the Comforter that Had Spongebob on it. :(
Not my Collection, But I used to have the Comforter. I really Miss this Pillow.
HarryPotterLives said:
I had a SpongeBob plush that I unfortunately misplaced. At least I still have my Squidward and Patrick plushes, though.
Can't seem to find a picture of it, But I also had a Spongebob plush that I misplaced too, so you are not alone. :(
I lost my SpongeBob TV Game a few years ago, I don't know how. I had so much fun with that thing as a kid. I also had a SpongeBob case for my Macbook Pro, but i can't find it, I was really cool :p I also have had a few Burger King/McDonalds SB toys but I can't locate those, either :(
Several picture books and coloring books. I think I still have them, but they're all in storage.