My Top 20 WORST Spongebob Episodes - FAN EDITION!


Stealing food is WRONG!
Jul 15, 2013
In the Deep Blue Sea
Okay, since I have gotten the votes tallied up for a good list, I have decided to start my “Top 20 Worst Spongebob Episodes – Fan Edition” tomorrow! This was inspired by MoBros’ Top 20 Worst Spongebob Episodes as well as his Fan-Voted Countdown.

Remember, this countdown is made based on what YOU voted on, so if there’s an episode you favor, please don’t rant about it, as well as NO trolling and NO flaming. Also, if you don’t agree with a certain episode’s placement, or if the episode you voted for isn’t here, then feel free to say so but PLEASE don’t freak out over it. I will start tomorrow but here’s a hint as to what Number 20 will be:

Hint: Parodying the Stone Age and making music with the wind.


welp bye lol
Jun 29, 2007
Ahh, interesting to see that the #20 on this list is PieGuyRulz's least favorite episode.

I'd like to put in my two cents about this one, but I think I'll have to watch the episode again first as it's been a long time I've seen it. (From what I remember, it wasn't that bad, but not really that funny, either.)


Stealing food is WRONG!
Jul 15, 2013
In the Deep Blue Sea
Time to break these episodes down for what they are! Starting with Number 20:

[SIZE=24pt]Number 20[/SIZE]

Well, this is an… interesting episode. And it’s definitely one of the creepiest.

The episode begins during a windy day, when Spongebob notices how the wind goes through his holes in a certain way. It seems that Spongebob’s pores can whistle in the wind, making music. And it also seems like the Jellyfish are attracted to it. In fact, they are so intrigued by the whistling that Spongebob can’t go through his everyday activities (working at the Krusty Krab, hanging out with Patrick, etc.).

It comes to a point where Spongebob is forced to hide in a cave to escape the Jellyfish. After a while, Spongebob tries to build a stone replica of himself so that the Jellyfish will be more attracted to it, than him. When that doesn’t work, he eventually decides to build 5 HUGE stone Spongebob replicas, to make a place for the Jellyfish to enjoy. He succeeds, to he runs back to the Krusty Krab , only to find that it has been covered and engulfed beneath the sand dunes!

SpongeBob: [SpongeBob stops running] How long was I gone?! [SpongeBob finds Krusty Krab buried in sand] NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It then cuts to 3,000 years later, when a race of strange aliens fly by the gargantuan statues. They wonder who made them and why they were made, and the only clue they have is that the ruins have become a large attraction to Jellyfish. And then the episode ends with the camera zooming into one of the statue’s mouths (quite eerily, in fact), and you hear Spongebob laughing in the distance before the episode ends.

Okay, that was one of the creepiest endings I have ever seen! Although I liked Spongehenge (because of the dark and eerie atmosphere in the second half), some parts of it were kind of dull and the very end with the camera zooming in on the statue and hearing Spongebob’s laugh was one of the most eerie things I have seen in my life!

I’ve actually heard people think about it being the end of the Spongebob series overall. And what do I think about that? I actually feel that that ending would’ve been one of the most disturbing ways to end the series!

It was also rather dark how Spongebob was all alone in the cave, and was starting to go a little insane. It was even darker when Spongebob found out that the city had been buried in the sand and everyone was supposedly dead! With Spongebob all alone, that REALLY would’ve been the most disturbing way to end the series!

“You are all alone. No one can hear you…”


Hint for next episode: An Apocalypse To Remember(Not)


May 25, 2013
This is basically a sad ripoff of Spongehenge that has eerily crappy moments. Starting off we have the rain winds making SB's pores whistle. The jellyfish are attracted to it, and the only idea Spongebob has is to get rid of them is to build a bunch of statues that look like him, and the rain wind will be music through the stone pores. The jellyfish are attracted to it. Then the ending is one of the strangest moments in Spongebob history. A bunch of aliens mark the Spongehenge as a historic landmark. They who made it and why it was made. One thing they know for sure, it attracts all jellyfish. I FEEL A SPONGETRON IDEA COMING ON WHAT THE WHAT? I'm speechless. Anyways, it's just.....................gah.

19 is the Main Drain.


Stealing food is WRONG!
Jul 15, 2013
In the Deep Blue Sea
Milkmaidman said:
This is basically a sad ripoff of Spongehenge that has eerily crappy moments. Starting off we have the rain winds making SB's pores whistle. The jellyfish are attracted to it, and the only idea Spongebob has is to get rid of them is to build a bunch of statues that look like him, and the rain wind will be music through the stone pores. The jellyfish are attracted to it. Then the ending is one of the strangest moments in Spongebob history. A bunch of aliens mark the Spongehenge as a historic landmark. They who made it and why it was made. One thing they know for sure, it attracts all jellyfish. I FEEL A SPONGETRON IDEA COMING ON WHAT THE WHAT? I'm speechless. Anyways, it's just.....................gah.

19 is the Main Drain.
I can understand why so many people have a distaste for it. I just found it eerie. It was dull at times, and it doesn't make too much sense, but the ending left me feeling a little empty.


welp bye lol
Jun 29, 2007
So, I just finished watching SpongeHenge again, and I feel like my reaction could be summed up like this:

Seriously, this episode was just bizarre. The storyline is really odd, even for a SpongeBob episode, and shows how the writers were desperate to come up with fresh and inventive storylines. Like PieGuy said, in doing this, the writers completely forgot that SpongeBob works best if you build up humor and character development from a simple plot, like playing with a piece of paper, using the power of imagination, or believing you're ugly by having bad breath. Speaking of the humor, there was almost none to be found in this episode.
When the story isn't being dull, it becomes downright disturbing especially when SpongeBob starts talking to a "friend" that he carved out of stone and clearly shows that he's lost a good chunk of his mind.
The ending is yet another WTF piled on an episode full of them. Why is the Krusty Krab suddenly buried in sand? Why do we see aliens taking pictures of the giant statues that SB carved? What happened to SpongeBob? And most importantly, where's the humor in any of this?!?

While I wouldn't consider this episode my least favorite, I definitely question how any of the writers thought it would appeal to children, same with many other episodes that I'm certain will be on this list.


Stealing food is WRONG!
Jul 15, 2013
In the Deep Blue Sea
SBManiac!!!!!! said:
So, I just finished watching SpongeHenge again, and I feel like my reaction could be summed up like this:

Seriously, this episode was just bizarre. The storyline is really odd, even for a SpongeBob episode, and shows how the writers were desperate to come up with fresh and inventive storylines. Like PieGuy said, in doing this, the writers completely forgot that SpongeBob works best if you build up humor and character development from a simple plot, like playing with a piece of paper, using the power of imagination, or believing you're ugly by having bad breath. Speaking of the humor, there was almost none to be found in this episode.
When the story isn't being dull, it becomes downright disturbing especially when SpongeBob starts talking to a "friend" that he carved out of stone and clearly shows that he's lost a good chunk of his mind.
The ending is yet another WTF piled on an episode full of them. Why is the Krusty Krab suddenly buried in sand? Why do we see aliens taking pictures of the giant statues that SB carved? What happened to SpongeBob? And most importantly, where's the humor in any of this?!?

While I wouldn't consider this episode my least favorite, I definitely question how any of the writers thought it would appeal to children, same with many other episodes that I'm certain will be on this list.
Yeah, like I said, this episode was just odd. And the ending was kind of dark as well.


Stealing food is WRONG!
Jul 15, 2013
In the Deep Blue Sea
Number 19

About halfway through Season 7, there was a Spongebob mini-series called Legends of Bikini Bottom. THIS was one of the episodes in this mini-series and easily the worst one! Boy am I glad to see this episode here. Not only is it boring, it's convoluted and mixed up from beginning to end!

Like many newer episodes, this one starts off one day at the Krusty Krab when Spongebob tries to get some Krabby Patties out of the freezer. On the way there, he slips on a puddle of water that seems to be coming from the kitchen sink. Also, I forgot to mention, Patrick walks in to greet Spongebob (but he slips). Once Spongebob gets up, he goes to pull out the drain plug when Mr. Krabs stops him.

Spongebob is confused why Mr. Krabs doesn’t want him to pull the plug, so Krabs decides to tell him (and Patrick) the story of The Main Drain. The story tells of two kids who found a drain somewhere in Bikini Bottom. Out of curiosity, they pulled the plug, which caused them (plus everyone else in Bikini Bottom) and the entire sea to be sucked into the drain, which was supposedly known as the apocalypse. And Mr. Krabs ends the story by saying that no one, and I mean NO ONE was ever heard from again. Okay, two things wrong here. One, if everybody died, then where did the story come from? And two, if pulling the drain caused an apocalypse of all of the sea, then how is everyone still alive? Already this doesn’t make sense. Let’s move on.

Despite the warnings they are given, Spongebob and Patrick set out to find this drain. They try to get some information from Old Man Jenkins and Plankton, but to no avail. Eventually they find the drain, but Patrick doesn’t want to leave yet. Instead of leaving the drain alone, Patrick wants to unplug it.

Patrick: Let’s pull it!

Spongebob: No! We came to see if it was real!

Patrick: Well, how do you know it isn’t a fake? If we don’t, then we’ll never know…

So basically, Patrick is willing to risk ending the world just to prove a point. *facepalm* Just as Patrick is about to pull the plug, Mr. Krabs and Plankton jump in to stop Spongebob and Patrick. Upon stopping our two protagonists, Krabs and Plankton say that they were the kids who pulled that very drain plug. Wow. That just makes even less sense than before! Anyways, everyone is relieved, until Patrick does this:

Patrick: Whew! We almost messed up BIG time! (accidentally pulls the plug as he’s wiping the sweat off his forehead)

And because of this, everyone in the sea is sucked into the drain (thanks to that pink idiot), which causes an apocalypse of the sea! But guess what? It turns out that it was all just a story that Spongebob was reading to Patrick! Are you people serious? Not only is that the most cliché twist ending to ever exist, but now it makes even less sense than before! What a pathetic way to excuse your lazy writing!

So yes, that is the story of the Main Drain! There’s not much to say about this episode. It’s just boring, convoluted, and utterly pointless! I mean, whenever the writers try to make it better, they only make it WORSE! This episode deserved to be here.

Hint for Number 18: Laughter all the way through