Spongebob Aired One Episode On Nick GAS.

The Tide and Seeker

Balloon Traveler
Apr 21, 2013
Favorite Character
I was scrolling though some SpongeBob images when suddenly I found this image:


I took a look at the logo at the bottom right corner and it said Nick GAS. I don't know how they would air SpongeBob on their but just discuss about this here.
Too bad the image is hosted by the site. can u give a link to the site you found the image?
The Tide And Seeker said:
On the site it still blocks it.. how strange.

EDIT: nevermind, I right clicked it was able to see it. It probably aired in 1999 or maybe Nick changed their logo to promote the channel. They put the screen bug as Nick.com in about 1996-2004(?)


That site you found is interesting too. It was made during 2005 because in the upcoming section of Season 4 he mentioned leftover 2005 episodes. Nice find.

I miss Nick GAS. It was pretty cool. Nickelodeon needs more Game shows btw.
Yeah Nick GAS showed a lot of SpongeBob. Always the activity/exercise type episodes like MuscleBob BuffPants, Karate Choppers, and The Fry Cook Games
abney317 said:
Yeah Nick GAS showed a lot of SpongeBob. Always the activity/exercise type episodes like MuscleBob BuffPants, Karate Choppers, and The Fry Cook Games
was prehibernation week aired
peterthegreeat said:
was prehibernation week aired
Probably was.. wouldn't be surprised, but I'm not 100% sure.