SpongeBuddy Mania v6!


Abney=last name
Dec 20, 2005
Reaction score

Hey everyone! We've got a lot of great updates to share with you today. It's been a long time since we've overhauled the main website, and we've made some big changes for v6.

Here's the list of all the updates!

Main Site
New v6 Design and layout
-We have a brand new design for the website, and we've revamped the layout of our homepage. We've had the news-and-sidebar setup for so long and we thought it was time for a change to highlight certain news and make content easier to find.

Mobile site
The main site has a mobile skin now that show when you are on your phone!

53 transcripts
-We've been behind on transcripts since the beginning of SBM, and we've finally made some progress. All season 5, 6, and 7 transcripts are complete! ssj4gogita4 has worked hard to have 48 new transcripts for the site and DMAP did some too.

New characters
-More character pages have been added to the website with more to come in the near future

New Song
-That's a Rodeo

Plankton's Lab
-A list of Plankton's inventions from all the episodes compiled by DMAP.

New Wallpapers
-A couple new wallpapers that you might have seen me using.

New Cast/Crew/Interviews Layout
-A new layout that looks a bit better than just a long list of names. Also added Alton Brown to cast page

SpongeBob Pictionary
-Mr. Dr. Professor Patrick has created an awesome pictionary game for us! Good to see he's putting his PhD to use. Get ready to play tomorrow at 7pm EST.

Forum Updates
New skin
-There is a light and dark version of the v6 skin which you can select using the skin selector
at the top right corner of the forums.

-Some of you caught us yesterday while we were just adding it. They are now available to use!
Okay, all settings should be good to go now, and all new content should be available. If you have any issues from here out let us know.
RedSoxFan274 said:
Seems like the v5.5 skins are still available. *breathes sigh of relief*

Tyler: *crying* Get him, Get him.

Jk :P
RedSoxFan274 said:
Nooooo, I just hate when they take away my skins for no good reason during a redesign. And this time... they didn't! So more power to them.

P.S.: Wasn't the GF Season Finale a SHOCKER?
Let's discuss it in the topic, follow moi o3o
RedSoxFan274 said:
Nooooo, I just hate when they take away my skins for no good reason during a redesign. And this time... they didn't! So more power to them.

P.S.: Wasn't the GF Season Finale a SHOCKER?
WONDERFUL! I'm glad one of my suggestions got taken.
Also, where do we go to play Pictionary?
^ Never mind.