E.V.I.L's/Omair's Top 117 (hopefully) from Season 1-6! (resuming Feb. 1st!)

Oct 10, 2011
Reaction score
Horseheads, NY
Yes, 117, because 100 is simply too mainstream. :P And don't worry, this WILL be completed because it's already done, I just have to post everything. Why I decided to make a top 117, I was bored. And just so you know, the reason why I am not putting anything from Season 7-9 is because I simply haven't watched all of those episodes.There could be a chance an episode I didn't watch could be in my top 20. How I did this is by rating the episodes and choosing the top 117.

And, now for episode 117!

Episode 103b

Season 6


Yep, this is episode 117, Suction Cup Symphony! One of the better Season 6 episodes in my opinion, the ending was a real twist, but let's start from the beginning. I think it's great that Squidward finally gets to perform in an orchestra, with SpongeBob and Patrick's help. Patrick was absolutely HILARIOUS in this episode. "I broke my butt". How can someone say that like an ordinary thing. Only this show. And the ending, well first, the instrumental was hilarious. I thought it was kind of funny how Sponge and Pat were in the song. :P And the ending, is awesome, as for possibly the first time in post-movie, the ending was in favor for Squidward. That was a great twist. :P However, a good episode, this is also very below the list for many reasons. For starters, the bones out of Patrick and in his mouth was not very pleasant. And Squidward was the way I don't like him, the grumpy neighbor who gets annoyed over every little thing. Overall, a good episode, with some really annoying parts.

Favorite quote:
  • :spongebob: Oh no! No, no, no, no, no! My patient is very sick!
  • :patrick: Hey, I broke my butt.
Favorite character: :patrickomg:

Alright, now let's see if you can guess the next 6 episodes. I will give the seasons, and if I will be killed or not.

116. Season 4 Nahh.
115. Season 1 Err maybe.
114. Season 1 Better chance than 115.
113. Season 1 In between 115 and 114 :P
112. Season 3 I think someone may start to not like me out there :P
111. Season 3 This is just going to be a disaster
Wow, a very accurate countdown. A good spot for SCS. A funny but kind of boring episode.
Cool, you're starting one, too! :D Ironically enough, 117 episodes were nominated to make my revised Top 100. :P Anywayz, Suction Cup Symphony wasn't my favorite "In Favor of Squiddy" episode, but the jokes were pretty funny.
Okay! Time for episode 116

Episode 71a

Season 4


Yes, Whale of a Birthday. This episode is actually bearable. I love Squidward's fake of Boy's Don't Cry, I found it hilarious in a cheesy kind of manner. There were some cheap funny gags such as the It's a Boy banner with Boy crossed off and Girl written. And Mr. Krab's not knowing Pearl's birthday was amazing, and the response: amazing. SpongeBob was CLASSIC in this episode. He tended to make me laugh with his comical and sneaky ways to buy all that stuff, with MR KRAB'S. CARD.XD I wasn't aware Mr. Krabs was that rich. However, this isn't just a positive episode, infact, there is a reason this is so low besides I don't like this episode that much. And which makes no sense to some, I hate Pearl in this episode, and almost every episode. She should appreciate what her dad did for her. It sort of bugs me she needs a mountain of presents just to be happy.

Favorite Character: :spongebob:

Favorite Quote:
  • Pearl: You have no idea what day tomorrow is, do you?
  • Mr. Krabs: None at all.
  • Pearl: IT'S MY 16TH BIRTHDAY! [outside Mr. Krabs house is lifted over the bubble]
  • Mr. Krabs: I knew that. How could you think I wouldn't know that? What are you gonna be, 12?


Also, if you haven't check out the other two list's on the forum by SpongeRoadie and PatStar2000 :magicwink:
Whale of a Birthday was funny. Funny seeing SpongeBob purchase everything, even getting Pearl Boyz Who Cry (not to be confused with Squidward's version) as a birthday present! :lol: And about Pearl being bratty, I feel like she has her funny moments, but her worst Season was actually Season 1, IMO.

Let's look:

1. Squeaky Boots (first appearance): Cries because she doesn't get flipper slippers.
2. Culture Shock- Nice preformance! Seriously. :xP:
3. The Chaperone-Big appearance, but was pretty mean to the dummy.
4. Scaredy Pants-Cries because daddy "embarassed her again" by choking on an apple.
5. Sleepy Time-I never got why she was so mad at SpongeBob.
6. Hooky-Really Pearl? Laughing at nudity? That's sad. :bleh:
That's a great place for WOAB. Not too funny, but not too bad.
And now, Episode 115!

Episode: 1a

Season: 1


Season 1 fan's don't kill me! This made top 117, that means I like this episode. And infact, this is indeed a great episode. This is the episode that started it all. There were lots of good qualities, including Squidward wiping his (?) graffiti off the door. :P I don't know why, but that makes me laugh all the time. That, and ANCHOVIES! However, as good as this episode, this is so below for one reason, it just isn't that funny. But you know, that's okay, because this is a pilot episode, and pilot episodes aren't meant to be the best thing ever. As you have seen, there are great episodes ahead, and they improved because of this episode. So, overall, I like this episode, but it's not in my Top 100, but, it's a pilot, so it doesn't matter.

Best Quote:
  • Squidward: Please, please, quiet! [anchovies stop talking] Is this any way to behave, hmmm?
  • Anchovy: Eat!
  • Squidward: Could we show a little decency and form a neat, single file line in front of the register? [The anchovies are quiet at first, then pick up the boat, as their cries of "meep!" become more intense. Cut to BargN Mart as SpongeBob enters]
  • SpongeBob: [singing to himself] BargN Mart, meeting all of your spatula needs. [Cuts to the Krusty Krab. Squidward and Mr. Krabs are still in the boat, and being tossed around]
  • Mr. Krabs: All hands on deck! Get your anchors out of your pants!
  • Squidward: One single file line was all I asked!

Best Character: :squidward:
Definately the most classic episode of the whole series! This should've been higher on the list, IMO. :thumbsup: Other than that, I'm glad it's on the list.
It should be much higher, but I understand your concern.
I took Powerstars's nagging stick and I will hit you if CWN is 111. *sharpens nagging stick*
BTW, I might start my own Top 100 episode list.

If you did that, there would be 5 lists running at one time, and that would be extremely amazing.

I took Powerstars's nagging stick and I will hit you if CWN is 111. *sharpens nagging stick*

111 is a very random number, so I'll go ahead and reveal, CWN is NOT number 111. :P
Yes, but you said it would be a disaster. *drops nagging stick but keeps prepared*
Alright, i just realized everyone is talking about 111 saying This will be a disaster.

Let me clear this up, that is not the worst possible thing.

Something like Chocolate With Nuts would be like "Yeah, I'm moving to a different planet". Believe me, a disaster is only mild. :P
And now, for da Eppy de la 114 ( I apologize for sounding dumb )

Episode: 17b

Season: 1


Ahh, Rock Bottom, the weirdest city in the Sea, (well Pacific Ocean), which I think is not as weird as New Kelp City, but that's part of an episode that made the bottom 100. :rofl2: It was a great episode, and the first episode do something I think most shows can't pull off well, comedy with just one main character. But, that's the truth, everything that happened to SpongeBob was hilarious, with the bus, and waiting in line, and the egg hatching. This episode did get kind of boring near the balloon part to the ending, but that's okay because the rest of the episode was great. Why is this episode so down you ask? Well, it's just not my favorite episode ever as the mishaps with the bus get repetitive, like every episode of another (once) popular cartoon on the network. (can you guess)

Favorite Character: That fish that hatches those eggs in lline

Favorite Quote/Moment:

  • Patrick: How much do you need?
  • SpongeBob: How much is it?
  • Bus Driver: Fifty-cents.
  • SpongeBob: [turns around and balloon smacks bus driver in the back of the head] Fifty-cents.
  • Patrick: Nope.
  • SpongeBob: [turns around and balloon smacks bus driver again] Lemme check my other poc-
  • Bus Driver: Forget it!
  • SpongeBob: [turns around and balloon smacks bus driver again] What did you say?
  • Bus Driver: Just take your seat!
  • SpongeBob: Thanks, mister.
  • Bus Driver: Yeah, whatev- [SpongeBob turns around and balloon smacks him in the back of the head. Bus driver gets very angry]