45b. Doing Time


Abney=last name
Dec 20, 2005
Reaction score

Great episode... Mrs. Puff is awesome

"These are my people!"
And don't forget her little singsong tunes while she makes license plates and hacks away at rocks :P

"Smelling the pretty rooooses..."

"Happiness is just two kinds of ice cream!"
Mrs. Puff was crazy in this episode. I wouldn't blame her. If SpongeBob drove me to insanity like that, I would be relieved to have him gone out of my life.
This episode is weird and ends with no real conclusion. I dislike it, and always have.
This episode is weird and ends with no real conclusion. I dislike it, and always have.
Strange how an opinion changes lol?

I would say that this episode is a great Mrs Puff episode- but the whole thing is weird and it's hard to feel sympathetic for any of the characters

The ending is weird too
This episode is really weird, but I really like it. Although not being one of my favorite episodes from the series, I have found a greater liking to this episode, as well as a greater appreciation for it. Mrs. Puff going crazy didn't entertain me that much when I first saw it at age 5, however, now watching it, I really get a kick out of this episode. "These are my people!" Her ripping off the guards' faces. It is really funny.

9|10 Overall
This episode is REALLY REALLY weird, but it's just so entertaining. It has a great plot, too. Mrs. Puff was so funny and Patrick had no idea what he was doing. LOL. 9/10
This episode is hilarious. Many memorable parts, but....WHAT THE HECK EVEN IS IT?! I still really like it nonetheless.
Weird but has always been one of my favorites from season 3. It deserves a 9.8/10.
I would like this episode a lot more if it wasn't for the weird ending. I love weird, but not the way it was used here. It seemed more like the writers has written themselves into a corner, so instead of giving the episode an actual conclusion they just decided to make Mrs. Puff go crazy and end it that way.
It's been a long time since I last saw this...

I don't think i could ever clearly determine if SB and Patt were ever really there or not, or if Mrs Puff was hallucinating :P

Unless there's a part near the end i forget

Also, wasn't there a part where they threw her in a big cusioney room? I didn't really understand that part until i was older.... the crazy room XP
And then she thinks its SB wow what lol

Looking back, this episode was really trippy lol XD
This episode is so underrated and so funny. I agree that the ending of this episode was weird but to be honest, the weird ending didn't bother me. I really enjoyed watching the ending of this episode. I really loved this episode. This episode was funny and very enjoyable. SpongeBob and Patrick robbing the bank really made me laugh. SpongeBob and Patrick disguising themselves as rocks and then one of the prisoners smashing them was very funny. SpongeBob saying "I brough Patrick along too", then Mrs. Puff saying "Why?", then SpongeBob saying "'Cause we're gonna set you free", then Mrs. Puff saying "No, I mean, why'd you bring him" and then SpongeBob saying "He likes chili" was also funny. The ending was very weird but very funny. I rate this episode 10/10
I really don't mind when this show does strange, weird stuff out of nowhere occasionally like in this episode and doesn't really affect how I like something like this when it's done well. It added some unpredictability and surrealism in story structure that really made it stand out for me and the other parts of the episode were already very funny to begin with. I also think that specific part where Mrs. Puff starts seeing SpongeBob's face all over the rubber room might have influenced a couple of scenes in "Squid Wood" and "Squid's Visit," two of the most hated episodes in the series which I hate as well mainly with SpongeBob's face coming out of objects type of gags.

Mrs. Puff gradually becomes more and more insane as SpongeBob and Patrick keep trying to help her get out of prison so in that context, it always sort of made sense to me why she would ultimately have all those delusions though I understand why the ending might have not sat well with people. I'm feeling about an 8/10 overall.
I felt bad for SpongeBob at the end. I mean, it didn't make any sense to me why he got arrested. And it took 11 minutes just to have him arrested. So either the cops are slow at arresting people, or time moved slowly while Mrs.Puff was having those delusions. Either way, it still doesn't make sense. =/
Popeye Q. Krabs said:
I really don't mind when this show does strange, weird stuff out of nowhere occasionally like in this episode and doesn't really affect how I like something like this when it's done well. It added some unpredictability and surrealism in story structure that really made it stand out for me and the other parts of the episode were already very funny to begin with. I also think that specific part where Mrs. Puff starts seeing SpongeBob's face all over the rubber room might have influenced a couple of scenes in "Squid Wood" and "Squid's Visit," two of the most hated episodes in the series which I hate as well mainly with SpongeBob's face coming out of objects type of gags.

Mrs. Puff gradually becomes more and more insane as SpongeBob and Patrick keep trying to help her get out of prison so in that context, it always sort of made sense to me why she would ultimately have all those delusions though I understand why the ending might have not sat well with people. I'm feeling about an 8/10 overall.
I don't know, for me, Squid's Visit is a really good episode. As GordoktheMerry always say in his reviews, it's a dark episode, but a well written one. It has that surreal feeling, like Squidward in Clarinet Land, which is fantastic. The most hated episodes in the show are A Pal for Gary, Are You Happy Now and One Coarse Meal

(BTW, Doing Time is my favorite episode in the whole show. I remember explaining why in one of the threads, I'll search for my explanation now.)