SpongeBob Joke Books


May 7, 2011
So, I was cleaning up my room for the first time in three years, and guess what I found:


Now, I expected these books to be full of cheesy puns, but the sheer lack of inspiration put me in utter shock. Just to show you what I'm talking about, here are the jokes from the first three pages of the first book.

What does Patrick's best friend take before he goes to bed?
A sponge bath.

How did Squidward feel when he found an electric eel in his clarinet?
He was shocked.

What's yellow and dances in an undersea barn?
SpongeBob SquareDance.

What does Patrick's best friend keep in his closet?
SpongeBob's square pants.

What happened when SpongeBob played checkers against Squidward?
He beat him fair and square.

Why can you trust SpongeBob?
He always gives you a square deal.

What does SpongeBob eat three times a day?
A square meal.

It does not get much better than that. :rolleyes: The third book isn't as bad of an offender. I found a lot of the jokes in that one to be pretty clever. Do any of you guys have these kind of books, and am I crazy for not laughing at David Lewman's wearying witticisms?
I think I used to have Spongebob JokePants... Just cause the cover looks familiar.. :)
Lol, I love Spongebob joke books! I read the jokes to my friends and they're all, like, " :rolleyes: ". This is the one I have:


I really want to get more SB joke books, but I can't find anything in the bookstores here. >.< I'll share some jokes with you guys if you're interested!

What does Spongebob sleep on when he goes camping?
A square mattress.

Why did Plankton smash all the tents?
Because he wanted to break camp.

Why don't tents have any money?
They're always being held up.

Why did Patrick take his camping gear to the baseball field?
He wanted to pitch his tent.

Was the log entertaining at the wienie roast?
Yes, he was on fire.

What's the secret to opening a tent door?
You have to know the zip code.

What did the big camping lantern say to the dark little lantern?
"Lighten up!"

There are other great jokes in this book, but that's all I could give out for now. Cool topic!
I have one called "SpongeBob Excuses" or something like that, it's not technically a joke book, but the stuff inside it are presented as jokes. :P