This has gotta be the wackiest April Fool's ever!

Stinkoman 20X6

I want to get lost in your rock and roll
Sep 22, 2005
Reaction score
Stealing your grill
All the Admins banned, the topics upside down, :MonkeyBoy: turned into Monkeyboy, everything's gone kooky! :cry:
Yeah... a bit like SBM itself then. :cry:
how am I suppost to know, this is the first April Fool's Day gift I've ever caughten. :cry:
All the Admins banned, the topics upside down, :MonkeyBoy: turned into Monkeyboy, everything's gone kooky! :cry:
Don't forget:

N!ck has turned into fudge.
Pr@nk has turned into gift.
And there is like 31 posts per page.
Yeah, this is some pretty not-obvious April Fools joke here.

Happy April Fools Day, everyone. O_o
I knew it! YAY! ;(

Anyways, let's keep it this way. I like it this way. Well, Spongey34 can come back, but keep ssj4gogita4 banned. O_o
I remember the USB gift. I even went to USB because of it! They are so lame... ^_^

Thankfully though, this'll all be over tomorrow. The topics won't be upside-downy, MonkeyShoe will be SB again, and unfortuenately...ssj won't be banned anymore. :(
I remember the USB gift. I even went to USB because of it! They are so lame... ^_^

Thankfully though, this'll all be over tomorrow. The topics won't be upside-downy, MonkeyShoe will be SB again, and unfortunately...ssj won't be banned anymore. :(
He can still watch you....and he IS..
I remember the USB gift. I even went to USB because of it! They are so lame... ^_^

Thankfully though, this'll all be over tomorrow. The topics won't be upside-downy, MonkeyShoe will be SB again, and unfortuenately...ssj won't be banned anymore. :)
Why are people around here mean to ssj? :)

I know it's joking, but you guys are taking this WAAAAY too far. :(
I remember the USB gift. I even went to USB because of it! They are so lame... ^_^

Thankfully though, this'll all be over tomorrow. The topics won't be upside-downy, MonkeyShoe will be SB again, and unfortunately...ssj won't be banned anymore. :)
He can still watch you....and he IS..
Thanks for haunting my mind with that image. :(
I remember the USB gift. I even went to USB because of it! They are so lame... ^_^

Thankfully though, this'll all be over tomorrow. The topics won't be upside-downy, MonkeyShoe will be SB again, and unfortuenately...ssj won't be banned anymore. :)
Why are people around here mean to ssj? :(

I know it's joking, but you guys are taking this WAAAAY too far. :)
Poor ssj! :(
I remember the USB gift. I even went to USB because of it! They are so lame... ^_^

Thankfully though, this'll all be over tomorrow. The topics won't be upside-downy, MonkeyShoe will be SB again, and unfortuenately...ssj won't be banned anymore. :)
Why are people around here mean to ssj? :(

I know it's joking, but you guys are taking this WAAAAY too far. :)
Poor ssj! :(
Meh, if ssj4gogita4 came here, he'd be all like :( and if he went to Hawaii for vacation, he'd be like :(. moo.